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Land Tax


The information held on this page has been taken from East Sussex Land Tax, 1785, volume 77 of the Sussex Record Society. I am indebted to Roger Davey who edited the volume and to the Committee of the Sussex Record Society, for permission to reproduce the section on Ringmer.

Land Tax, like a rate, was an annual charge on the occupiers of houses and land which for over two centuries in England and Wales formed one of the staple sources of income for the government. The table below provides a 'directory' of land ownership and occupation in Ringmer in 1785.

To find out more about the East Sussex Land Tax Assessments for 1785, please refer to the original publication. It is still in print (available from Sussex Record Society) or it may be borrowed from libraries.

Please refer to the Map of Ringmer for the areas of the different Boroughs.

£ s
Ashton Borough
Harcourt, Richard Smith, John
Hay, Thomas, esq Hay, Thomas, esq
Burrell, William, esq Hay, Thomas, esq
Hay, Thomas, esq Martin, Henry
Hay, Thomas, esq Martin, Henry
Mr Thomas's land
Dorset, Duke of Payne, Thomas, sr
Dorset, Duke of Payne, Thomas, sr
his manor
Hamden, Lord Als, William
Hamden, Lord Taylor, Abraham
Wakeling, Thomas Pelham, William
Hay, Thomas, esq Hay, Thomas, esq
Woodward, Rev Mr Crunden, Richard
Crunden, Richard Crunden, Richard
Hartley, Joseph Hartley, Joseph
Farncomb, John Farncomb, John
Lipscombe, Thomas Lipscombe, Thomas £11
Maitland, Robert Wood, John
Thanet, Earl of Beadle, Joseph
Tugwell, John Tugwell, John
North, Joseph North, Joseph
Nutley, John Foord, John
Swayselden, Samuel Foord, Thomas
Blunt, Col., esq Blunt, Col., esq
Barnard, Mrs Barnard, Mrs
Wellingham Borough
Burrell, Doctor Fuller, John
Newton, Captain Jenner, John & Kennard,
Newton, Captain Carman, Thomas
Tapsfield, William Rickman, Thomas
Ridge, William Bannister, Thomas
Bannister, Thomas Bannister, Thomas
Bannister, Thomas Bannister, Thomas
Bannister, Thomas Bannister, Thomas
Bull, Henry Bull, Henry
Gilbert, Charles Bannister, Thomas
Fuller, John Fuller, John
Boys, John Hutson, William
Boys, John Boys, John
Boys, John Boys, John
Shadwell, William Shadwell, William
Newton, Milne Jenner, John
Burrell, Timothy, esq Martin, John
Duffield, Mrs Duffield, Mrs
Green, Captain Green, Captain
Hards, Thomas Packet, Edward
Potter, Thomas Potter, Thomas
Burrell, William, esq Potter, Thomas
Medley, George, esq Rason, Walter
Durrant, John Durrant, John
Rickman, Thomas Durrant, John
Tugwell, John Durrant, John
Wood, William
Norlington Borough
Gage, Lord Viscount Gage, Lord Viscount
Gage, Lord Viscount Moore, James
Gage, Lord Viscount Gage, Lord Viscount
Spence, Luke, esq Wood, Henry
Medley, George, esq Poole, Sir Ferdinando
Poole, Sir Ferdinando Poole, Sir Ferdinando
Shadwell, William Shadwell, William
Burrell, William, esq Shadwell, William
Shadwell, William Shadwell, William
Blunt, Henry, esq Weller, John
Spence, Luke, esq Spence, Luke, esq
Spence, Luke, esq Spence, Luke, esq
Hamden, Lord Fuller, John
Nash, Michael Fuller, John
Moore, James Moore, James
Moore, James Moore, James
Moore, James Moore, James
Lee, John Lee, John
Medley, George Dicker, William
Davies, Thomas Davies, Thomas
Blunt, Henry, esq Blunt, Henry, esq
Martin, Jane Martin, Jane
Blunt, Henry, esq Blunt, Henry, esq
Ellman, John
Ellman, John
Rogers, John Rogers, John
Spence, Luke, esq Clark, Thomas
Spence, Luke, esq Spence, Luke, esq
Kemp, Sargeant Kemp, Sargeant
Hammond, Mrs Hammond, Mrs
Payne, Thomas, sr Payne, Thomas, sr
Bryant, James Bryant, James
Read, Francis Nutley, John
Hamden, Lord Morris, Joseph
Jenner, John Jenner, John
Dorset, Duke of Curry, Mr
Barnard, Mrs Packham, Richard
Corsam, William Corsam, William
Pocock, Henry Pocock, Henry
Gage, Lord Viscount Morris, Anthony
Tasker, Mrs Hilman, Arthur
Pelham, Mrs Pelham, Mrs
Weller, John Back, John
Gasston, William Horsel, Richard
Medley, George, esq Rason, Walter
Martin, Jane Packham, John
Barnard, Mrs Barnard, Mrs
Barnard, Mrs Barnard, Mrs
Rogers, John Deacon, David
Lee, John Lee, John
Middleham Borough
Shadwell, Richard, esq Shadwell, William
Crockendale (in trust) Shadwell, William
Baynes, Rev Mr Shadwell, William
Shore, Jane Shore, Jane
Spence, Luke, esq Weller, John
Hamden, Lord Weller, John
Read, Francis Tester, Richard
Poole, Sir Ferdinando Poole, Sir Ferdinando
Medley, George, esq Poole, Sir Ferdinando
Berry, Robert Berry, Robert
Verrall, George Berry, Robert
Shadwell, Richard, esq Berry, Martha
Hamden, Lord Ellman, John
Blunt, Henry, esq Blunt, Henry, esq
Berry, Elizabeth Finch, Edward
Berry, Robert Berry, Robert
Pocock, Henry Pocock, Henry
Johnston, Thomas Nash, John
Burgis, John Burgis, John
Smith, Ann Smith, Ann
Read, Richard Crunden, Thomas
Hollebone, Thomas Hollebone, Thomas
Smart, James Smart, James
Goldsmith, - Garrett, John
Barnard, Mrs Barnard, Mrs
Lock, William Lock, William
Morris, John, jr Morris, John, jr
Read, Francis Marten, Henry
Martin, Jane Martin, Jane
Goldsmith, - Carter, Elizabeth
Payne, Thomas, sr Gorringe, William
Payne, Thomas, sr Payne, Thomas, sr
Payne, Thomas, jr Friend, Joseph
Boys, Samuel Boys, Samuel

Assessors: William Shadwell, John Smith
Total collected: £426 16s Od