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- Parent Category: Ringmer Past
Rev. Edward Wood
(Vicar of Ringmer 1604 - 1610)
Edward Wood was born about 1570. According to William Berry, who shows his coat of arms, he was the son of John Wood of Sandwich, Kent. Alumni Cantabrigiensis names his father when he matriculated in 1587 as John WOOD of Sussex. He was educated at Cambridge, at Clare College according to Alumni Cantabrigiensis or Clare Hall according to Renshaw. He graduated in 1591 and was awarded his MA in 1594. He remained at Cambridge as a college fellow and was also awarded a BD degree – in 1602 according to Alumni Cantabrigiensis but this degree was given as his qualification when he was ordained in 1597. He was ordained deacon on 13 September 1597 by the Bishop of Colchester, and then ordained priest by the same bishop on the following day.
In December 1602 Edward Wood was licensed as a preacher by the Bishop of Chichester and in October 1604 he was presented by King James I as vicar of Ringmer during a vacancy of the see of Canterbury. A year later he was also presented by Sir Edward Lewkenor as rector of Hamsey, and given a dispensation to hold both posts simultaneously. Rev Samuel Norden, the previous rector of Hamsey who had held the post since 1582, was one of about 10 preaching ministers deprived of their positions in 1605 by Archbishop Bancroft at a Metropolitan Visitation held at East Grinstead. Archbishop Bancroft was a high churchman who oversaw the translation of the King James bible and a passionate opponent of Puritanism. According to a family historian, confirmed by the 1616 will of Samuel Norden’s widow, Edward Wood was (or perhaps was to become, as the date of the marriage has not been ascertained) Samuel Norden’s son-in-law. In 1616 Anne Norden made her ‘daughter WOOD’ her sole executor and residuary heir.
From 1606 to 1610 Edward Wood is recorded in the liber cleri as appearing at visitations as both vicar of Ringmer and rector of Hamsey. However from 1608-1610 he was accompanied at these visitations by Marmaduke Browne, the first recorded curate of Ringmer, so it appears that he chose to live at Hamsey. In early 1611 a replacement vicar was appointed at Ringmer, following his resignation. Edward Wood remained rector of Hamsey and resident there until his death. He was buried at Hamsey in December 1641.
Edward Wood and his wife Anne had several children. In the 1616 will of Anne’s mother they had four children, Samuel, John, Edward & Anne. Edward WOOD’s will was proved in February 1642 by his widow Anne and his eldest [surviving] son John. Beneficiaries include another son Anthony (who was serving an apprenticeship), a daughter Elizabeth, and a son-in-law John Hinde (a London haberdasher) who had married his daughter Anne at Hamsey in 1637 and through whom he had grandchildren. William Berry identifies two other sons and two other daughters. Alumni Cantabrigiensis identifies his son Edward Wood as admitted to Sidney Sussex College in 1626 at the age of 14, graduating BA in 1630 and MA in 1633, but dying early in 1635 when chaplain to the Lord Deputy in Ireland. In 1631 Rev Edward Wood and John Wood had presented the Rev Samuel Wood to the vicarage of Piddinghoe, an advowson previously held by the Earl of Dorset. Samuel WOOD, BA, had been ordained deacon in July 1626 and then priest in February 1627 by the Bishop of Chichester, licensed as curate of Denton in February 1627 but had died by January 1634, when his successor was appointed. Anthony Wood, the youngest son, married the daughter of a Puritan clergyman who was a member of the Westminster Assembly of Divines during the civil war, and became a Baptist sugar refiner and sugar merchant, operating in the City of London and Bristol and engaged in trade with Barbados and Nevis.
Principal Sources used:
Walter C. Renshaw, ‘The clergy of the Archdeaconry of Lewes and South Malling Deanery’, Sussex Archaeological Collections, vol.55, pp.220-277 (1912)
William Berry, ‘County Genealogies, Pedigrees of the Families in the County of Sussex’, p.311 (1830)
Rev George Hennessy, ‘Chichester Diocese Clergy Lists’ (1900)
E.H.W. Dunkin, ‘Ecclesiastical History of the Deanery of South Malling’, Sussex Archaeological Collections, vol.26, pp.9-96
John Venn, ‘Alumni Cantabrigiensis’
Clergy of the Church of England online database: http://db.theclergydatabase.org.uk/
Ron Tibble: unpublished research
Family historian on www.genealogistsforum.co.uk
Will of Edward Wood, Minister or Rector of Hamsey: NA PROB/11/188/100
Hamsey wills online: www.bandhpast.co.uk/downloads/HamseyWills.doc
- Details
- Parent Category: Ringmer Past
Brief Notes on Some Ringmer Curates
If anyone can give us more information on any of the curates of Ringmer, we'd love to hear from you.
Richard Barham: Witnessed (along with his vicar) the will of John Stanvinor, September 1621
Thomas Davies: Son of David Davies of Devynock, Brecknock (who d. Feb 1751).
BA Christchurch Oxford 1747, MA Kings Cambridge 1752.
Curate at Ewhurst 25 Jan 1747-Jun 1748, at Ringmer Jun 1748-Feb 1751.
Vicar of Glynde Feb 1751-15 Aug 1789 death.
Curate of South Malling 1751-1760 [held with Glynde by 4 successive vicars there to 1760]
Married Mary Tisehurst, widow, at Glynde 5 Apr 1761, children.
ESRO/AMS 6253 is his tithe account book 1752-1780. Will PCC 582 Macham.
John Hubbersty: son of Robert Hubbersty of Under Barrow, Westmorland, "pleb".
Matric Queens, Oxford, 17 Mar 1747/8 aged 18. BA 1751.
Letters to brother (Kendal attorney) ESRO/AMS 6126/1-26.
Later curate of Seaford and Barcombe.
25 Jul 1762 will of Henry SNOOKE of Ringmer esq leaves £50 to his respected friend John Hubbersty, curate of Barkham, Sussex.
Jacob Townshend: curate at £40 p.a., complained against Mr Snooke's behaviour in church, and read a paper against him [Secker, 1761].
Of Russell parish, Virginia [same event] [Par Reg].
Theodore Fletcher: File available
Son of George Fletcher of Stoke Lyne, Oxford, clerk.
Matric Magdelen, Oxford, 6 Apr 1734 aged 17, BA 1737.
Laughton registers note affidavits made before Rev Mr Fletcher, curate of Ringmer, in Apr, May & Jun 1759
Salary in 1764-5 £35 p.a. Rented vicarage house [ESRO/Acc.5463].
Theodore Fletcher, wdw, mar Martha Parkham at Ringmer 12 Aug 1762.
Also curate of South Malling 1770-1775 [Sue Lapido]
4 children bapt at Ringmer 1763-1774; two buried at Ringmer 1771 & 1779.
Theodore buried at Ringmer 26 May 1775; Martha Fletcher buried at Ringmer 16 Nov 1792 [P].
Edward Raynes: Perhaps Rev Edward Robert RAYNES who was incumbent of Firle & Beddingham (1784-1824) and Ripe (1795-1825), Archdeacon of Lewes from 1815-1823, and chose to reside at Antioch House, Lewes, where he could more easily indulge his ruling passion, whist [C. Brent, Georgian Lewes].
Mansel Gwynne: File available
Also curate of South Malling 1777-1778 [Sue Lapido]
Robert Gerison: File available
Also curate in the Fletching marriage registers in Nov 1786 and Apr-Aug 1790.
1782; vicarage house leased out to Master Randall & Mrs Bristow [ESRO/Acc.5463].
Also curate of South Malling 1779-1788 [Sue Lapido, who called him rector [sic] of Uckfield]
Thomas Tims: Also curate in Fletching marriage registers Sep 1787.
John Lupton: File available
Born 24 Jun 1764, son of Rev William Lupton, curate of Headingly, Leeds [John Davies].
Noted as a native of Leeds in 5 May 1829 entry in Rev John Constable's diary [ESRO/MOB/1605-6]
Matric Trinity, Camb, 1782; BA 1786; MA 1789 [JD].
Licenced curate 1787, salary £40 p.a.
Also curate in Fletching marriage registers Dec 1787-Nov 1791
Also curate St John sub Castro, Lewes, 1791-1799 [JD].
Also signs Glynde par reg Oct 1791 and Feb 1795, curate there 1804-1808.
Also curate of Laughton 1800 [JD].
Also rector of Cliffe 1807-1841 and buried there 1844.
Of Ringmer when on 7 Oct 1790 he married Philadelphia Davies at St Paul's, Covent Garden [JD & Family Search].
Children bapt at Ringmer 1791 & 1798.
Rented Ringmer vicarage 1794; salary in c.1802 £50 p.a. [ESRO/Acc.5463]
Secretary to the Sussex National Society for the Education of the Poor, 1812.
Curate of Ringmer until Jun 1841.
Vicar of Ulting, Essex, 1823-1840 [JD].
Non-resident rector of Ovingdean 1841-1844 [JD].
Died 12 Feb 1844 at Riders Wells, South Malling, buried at Cliffe 19 Feb 1844 [JD].
Biography by John Davies of Ovingdean [JD]
R.S. Arnold: Usually signs as officiating minister but once as curate.
F.S. Thornton: information from gt-grandson Robin Thornton, Jul 2007
Born in Germany in 1846 under the surname SCHLEICHER, changed to THORNTON by 1872
Curate of Ringmer 1872-1874; ordained deacon 1872, priest 1873
1874-1878 vicar of Preston Deanery, Northants
1878-1890 vicar of St Sepulchre, Northampton [where F.H. FISHER below was curate]
1890 Hon Canon of Ely Cathedral & rector of Downham near Ely, 1892-
Address in 1897 Crockford's is Downham Rectory, Ely
Frank H. FISHER: File available
Curate 1884-1888
29 Dec 1883 Northampton Mercury: The Rev F.H. FISHER has resigned his curacy at St Sepulchre's on account of ill health and accepted the curacy of Ringmer, where the Rev F.S. THORNTON was curate 12 yr ago.
An account of the presentation to Rev F.H. FISHER, who was leaving Ringmer for Cranbourne, Dorset, after 4 years, preserved in Winifred Martin's 1905 scrapbook
21 Jan 1888 Leeds Mercury notes Rev F.H. FISHER, MA, curate of Ringmer, was to be vicar of Cranborne-with-Boveridge, Dorset, where he was vicar from 1888-1910
At Cranbourne he is said to have carved the chancel screen, the reredos in the Lady chapel and the lower screen
Attended Rev Symons funeral in Aug 1891, then vicar of Cranbourne [14 Aug 1891 Sussex Express]
Charles Douglas Percy DAVIES: File available.
Assistant curate, 1888-1891
Three previous curacies in Salop & Worcs, 1880-1887
1891 census; lodger at The Firs, with grocer and sub-postmaster Thomas Miller.
1891 census; aged 34, single, assistant curate of Ringmer, born Tewksbury, Glos.
Married at Ringmer 11 Feb 1892, aged 35, to Miss Jesse Frances Mudge, 35, of Middleham.
His father was Charles Greenall Davies, deceased, late vicar of Tewkesbury.
Involved in parochial disputes re high church ways and village hall ownership. His chief opponent was People's churchwarden Richard King SAMPSON.
Identified in a series of letters in a May 1891 issue of the East Sussex News as a member of the [Anglo-catholic] English Church Union [Winifred Martin scrapbook]
Noted as "a high one" in Nancy Martin's diary; see Newsletters nos.170 & 199, the latter including information about his death in 1931.
Rector of East Marden & North Marden, Sussex, 1892-
Later a nationally recognised expert on bell ringing, and author of 'Stedman' (1903); he was also an enthusiastic astronomer.
Of Kemerton, Glos, when he died in 1931; obituary in the 20 Feb 1931 'Ringing World'.
Henry TOMLISON, MA: File available
Curate 1900-1902.
5 Dec 1902 Dover Express: Rev Henry TOMLINSON, MA, curate of Ringmer, presented to the living of East Langdon, near Dover, by Earl GUILFORD. He was a Cambridge man, and had been curate at St Ives, Cornwall, and Rayne, in the Diocese of St Albans.
Noted in 1903 local directory as resident at 'Rosemary'.
Charles FURNIVAL: File available
Curate for two sessions, both under Rev. Gribbell (and the second, after a brief gap,curate for two sessions, both under Rev. Gribbell (and the second continuing under Rev Rosseter). continuing under Rev Rosseter).
Oct 1910 parish magazine notes that he is visiting America, but will be returning soon
Photo P613 (1908) with Church Lads Brigade.
Crockford's Clerical Directory 1913. BA Oxon 1884, Ely College 1886. Ordained deacon 1886, priest 1887 at Lichfield.
Curate of Fenton 1886-8; St John the Baptist Kidderminster 1888-1891; Muston 1899-1903; Henfield 1903-1908; Ringmer 1908-1909; Northiam 1911-2; at Ringmer in 1913
Feb 1908 school managers resolved to appoint the Rev Charles Furnival BA of Ringmer to the vacancy on the Board of Managers [ESRO/EMA/143/4; 7 Mar 1908 Sussex Express]
Nov 1910 resignation as school manager of Rev Charles Furnival, as he had moved to St Leonards [ESRO/EMA/143/4]
Oct 1915 curate-in-charge during Rev ROSSETER's illness.
John Victor Hamilton READE: File available
Curate 1904-1906
The 1905 directory indicates that he lived at the Vicarage, along with Rev GRIBBELL.
Crockford's Clerical Directory 1913. Emmanuel College, Camb, BA 1892, MA 1898. Ordained deacon 1894, priest 1895 at Rochester.
Curate at Sydenham 1894-9; Rye 1899-1903; Walworth 1903-4; Ringmer 1904-6; Eastbourne 1906-9.
Lecture at St Nicholas, Brighton, on 'Animism or the Religion of Fear' [10 Mar 1906 Sussex Express]
Chaplain West London District School, Ashford, London 1907. Address in 1913 The Peaks, Ashford, Middlesex.
Richard RIGDEN:
24 Nov 1906 Sussex Express: The Rev R. Rigden, temporarily assisting the Vicar of Ringmer, was present at a confirmation.
Herbert Ernest WARD: File available
Assistant curate, Oct 1910->Oct 1911
Formerly curate of Hawarden, Chester, took up his work 15 Oct 1910
Mr & Mrs Ward resided at 'Erin'
Rev Herbert Ward of 'Erin' appointed school manager 12 Nov 1910, in place of Rev Charles Furnival [ESRO/EMA/143/4]
Crockford's 1934 has him as TCD Div Test & Downes Priory, 1891; ordained deacon 1891 & priest 1892, Derry
Crockfords has him as curate of Tamlaghtfinlagen, Londonderry, 1891-1900; rector of Burt-with-Inch, Derry, 1901-2, curate of West Grinstead 1903-8, curate of Hawarden 1908-10, curate of Ringmer 1910-1912, curate of West Grinstead & Partridge Green, 1912-1915, curate of St Wilfred's, Haywards Heath, 1915-19 & 1924-1929, vicar of West Dean with Binderton 1920-1923, curate of West Grinstead & Partridge Green 1931-1933, curate of Haywards Road, Haywards Heath.
John LOWERSON: Non-stipendiary curate.
Lecturer in the Centre for Continuing Education at the University of Sussex.
Main field, modern history.
Resident in Lewes, died Jun 2009 aged 67; notice of him, in advance of a memorial service, in the 13 Nov 2009 Sussex Express.
David PERKS: Non-stipendiary curate.
Anthony CANE: Licensed curate. Dr Cane
Newly appointed adult education officer for the diocese of Chichester in 2001.
Moved to Ringmer with wife Claire and children Josh, Hannah & Jeremy in Aug 2001.
Appointed Chancellor to Chichester cathedral and left Ringmer in 2007 [May 2007 Par Mag].
Sally REEVE: Ordained the day before she took up her Ringmer post.
First female curate for Ringmer; married Sept 2012 to become Sally EPPS.
Sally EPPS became vicar of Burwash, Apr 2014.
- Details
- Parent Category: Ringmer Past
Register of Electors, 1939
(In Force 15th October, 1039, to 14th October, 1940).
Polling District of RINGMER (0)
Parish of RINGMER
The register contains the names in alphabetical order of all persons entitled to vote as parliamentary and as local government electors.
The Index letters in column 2 headed "Parliamentary" or column 3 headed "Local Govt." of the Register, show the nature of the qualification of an elector as follows:-
NM= Naval or military voter
The entry of the appropriate Index letter or letters against a name in column 2 indicates that the elector is a parliamentary elector, and the entry of the appropriate letter or letters in column 3 indicates that the elector is a local government elector. Where no Index letter is entered in one or other of those columns against a name, the elector is not entitled to the franchise to which the column relates.
† Persons against whose names the mark † is placed are not entitled to vote in respect of that entry at Elections of County Councillors.
a Persons against whose names the letter a is placed are absent voters.
Persons who are qualified to serve as such are indicated by the letters printed after their names, thus:-
J = Juror SJ = Special Juror
No. | Parliamentary | Local Government | Name in full, surname first | Residence or Property abode of non-resident occupier | Notes |
1 | R | O | Adams, Dacres Houghton | 3 Acres Swingate | J |
2 | RW | DW | Adams, Ethel Josephine | 3 Acres Swingate | |
3 | RW | Adlem, Lily | Melbourne Home | ||
4 | RW | DW | Akehurst, Eileen | 4 Eastview Cottages | |
5 | R | O | Akehurst, William George | 4 Eastview Cottages | |
6 | RW | DW | Aldridge, Alice Naomi | Lydford | |
7 | R | O | Aldridge, Charles Alexander | Lydford | J |
8 | R | O | Alcorn, Bertram | Laurel Cottage | |
9 | RW | DW | Alcorn, Kathleen | Laurel Cottage | |
10 | R | O | Alcorn, Jessie | 29 Broyle Side | |
11 | RW | DW | Alcorn, Kate | 29 Broyle Side | |
12 | RW | Alcorn, Constance Ivy | Laurel Cottage | ||
13 | R | O | Alcorn, Herbert Henry Hope | Kosi Kot | |
14 | RW | DW | Alcorn, Julia May | Kosi Kot | |
15 | R | Alcorn, Fred | 29 Broyle Side | ||
16 | RW | Alcorn, Joan Kathleen | Laurel Cottage | ||
17 | RW | Allen, Rhoda Alice | Wellingham Corner | ||
18 | R | Allen, William Job | Wellingham Corner | ||
19 | RW | Allen, Dorothy Victoria | White Moss | ||
20 | O | Andrew, George Stuart Buckingham | Land (abode, 33 The Avenue, Lewes) | † | |
21 | R | O | Andrews, William Henry | Lewes Road | |
22 | R | Andrews, John Harold | Lewes Road | ||
23 | R | O | Anscombe, Peter Joe | Upper Clayhill | |
24 | RW | DW | Anscombe, Rose Louisa Elizabeth | Upper Clayhill | |
25 | RW | OW | Appleby, Eliza | The Lynchetts | |
26 | RW | OW | Appleby, Rose | The Lynchetts | |
27 | R | O | Armes, Charles Alfred | Maylands | J |
28 | RW | DW | Armes, Doris Annie | Maylands | |
29 | RW | DW | Ashdown, Annie | Drayton | |
30 | R | O | Ashdown, Amos Robert | Drayton | |
31 | R | O | Ashley, Harry | The Kennels | |
32 | R | Austin, George | Ashtonville | ||
33 | RW | OW | Avery, Emily | 17 Mill Mead | |
34 | RW | OW | Ayshford-Ayre, Gladys Fay | St Margarets | |
35 | RW | DW | Baker, Edith | The Briars | |
36 | R | O | Baker, Harry | The Briars | |
37 | R | Baker, William Charles | Clayhill House | ||
38 | R | O | Baker, Joseph Carlie | Little Longhouse | |
39 | RW | DW | Ballard, Eliza Jane | 2 Fairlight Bungalows | |
40 | R | O | Ballard, John | 2 Fairlight Bungalows | |
41 | RW | OW | Banks, Louisa | Southdown Villa | |
42 | O | Bannister, Norman Ernest | Land (abode, 117 High St, Lewes.) | † | |
43 | R | O | Barber, Alfred Edward | North Road | |
44 | RW | DW | Barber, Kathleen | North Road | |
45 | R | Barnes, Ernest | Elmsleigh | ||
46 | R | Barnes, Harry | Elmsleigh | ||
47 | RW | OW | Barnes, Martha | Downsview | |
48 | R | O | Barnes, Frank | As You Like It, Goat Lane | |
49 | R | Barnett, Francis Reginald | 4 Love Grove | ||
50 | RW | DW | Barnett, Mary Eliza | 4 Love Grove | |
51 | R | O | Barnett, Stephen James | 4 Love Grove | |
52 | RW | DW | Barrow, Hetty Grace | Lugano | |
53 | R | O | Barrow, Philip Claude | Lugano | |
54 | RW | Bartlett, Kate Mary | Broyle Mill Farm | ||
55 | RW | OW | Bartlett, Joyce | Rosemead | |
56 | RW | OW | Barton, Ada Louise | Broyle Lane | |
57 | RW | DW | Bassett, Florence | Broyle Lane | |
58 | R | O | Bassett, George | Broyle Lane | |
59 | R | O | Bateman, Charles Stanley | 37 Broyle Side | |
60 | RW | DW | Bateman, Dorothy | 37 Broyle Side | |
61 | RW | DW | Baxter, Doris Eleana May | 2 East View Cottages | |
62 | R | O | Baxter, Gomer Oliver | 2 East View Cottages | |
63 | R | O | Beale-Browne, Desmond John Edward | Middleham | SJ |
64 | R | O | Beard, Charles Day | Telephone Exchange | |
65 | RW | DW | Beard, Lucy May | Telephone Exchange | |
66 | R | O | Bell, Rupert | Raystede, The Broyle | |
67 | RW | Bell, Ellen | Greenacre | ||
68 | R | Bell, George | Greenacre | ||
69 | R | O | Bellingham, Frank Percival | Bishops Lane | |
70 | RW | DW | Bellingham, Mary Rosa Elizabeth | Bishops Lane | |
71 | RW | Bellingham, Emily Mary | The Vicarage | ||
72 | R | O | Besgrove, Arthur | Goat Lane | |
73 | RW | DW | Besgrove, Ethel Euphemia | Goat Lane | |
74 | RW | DW | Best, Hilda Kate | 2 Love Grove | |
75 | R | O | Best, Walter | 2 Love Grove | |
76 | RW | Bettinson, Margaret | Rushwood | ||
77 | R | O | Biggs, Robert Charles | Drove End | J |
78 | RW | DW | Biggs, Edith Grace | Drove End | |
79 | R | Bignell, George James William | Downsview | ||
80 | RW | DW | Blake, Ivy | Norlington Cottages | |
81 | R | O | Blake, Sidney | Norlington Cottages | |
82 | R | O | Blake, Charles Samuel | Old Ship Inn | J |
83 | RW | DW | Blake, Daisy | Old Ship Inn | |
84 | RW | OW | Blakeway, Emma | Newtown | |
85 | RW | Bleach, Helen Sarah | 2 Harrisons Lane | ||
86 | R | O | Bleach, George William | 2 Harrisons Lane | |
87 | RW | Bleach, Violet Olive | 2 Harrisons Lane | ||
88 | R | O | Blunt, John | Shortgate | |
89 | RW | DW | Blunt, Susan | Shortgate | |
90 | R | Blunt, John William | Shortgate | ||
91 | R | O | Bourn, Arthur | Pear Tree Cottages | |
92 | RW | DW | Bourn, Eva Eliza | Pear Tree Cottages | |
93 | RW | Bowles, Phoebe Mary | Ham Farm | ||
94 | R | Bowles, Albert Thomas | Ham Farm | ||
95 | RW | DW | Bowles, Minnie | Ham Farm | |
96 | R | O | Bowles, Thomas John | Ham Farm | J |
97 | R | Bowles, Stanley Robert | Ham Farm | ||
98 | RW | DW | Boxall, Martha | The Bays | |
99 | R | O | Boxall, Percy William Frank | The Bays | |
100 | R | O | Boxall, Edwin | Lower Mount Farm | |
101 | RW | DW | Boxall, Laura | Lower Mount Farm | |
102 | RW | DW | Bradbury, Eveline Emily | Norland Goat Lane | |
103 | R | O | Bradbury, George Eric | Norland Goat Lane | J |
104 | RW | DW | Bradbury, Mable Mary | Paygate Villas | |
105 | R | O | Bradbury, Thomas George | Paygate Villas | |
106 | RW | Bradbury, Patricia Mary | Paygate Villas | ||
107 | R | Bradbury, Thomas Xavir | Paygate Villas | ||
108 | R | Bradford, Jack | Upper Broyle Farm | ||
109 | RW | DW | Breffit, May Dorothea | Holm Lodge | |
110 | R | O | Breffit, Reginald Ernest | Holm Lodge | |
111 | RW | OW | Bridge, Rose Anna | St Marys Cottage | |
112 | R | Briggs, Charles Edward | The Green | ||
113 | RW | DW | Brinkhurst, Amy Amelia | Ormsby | |
114 | R | O | Brinkhurst, George | Ormsby | J |
115 | R | Brinkhurst, Tony Clarence | Ormsby | ||
116 | R | O | Brinkhurst, James | Green Lane | |
117 | R | Brinkhurst, Arthur | Green Lane | ||
118 | RW | DW | Brinkhurst, Nellie | Green Lane | |
119 | R | O | Brinkhurst, Thomas Alfred | Broyle Lane | J |
120 | RW | DW | Brinkhurst, Lydia | Broyle Lane | |
121 | R | O | Brinkhurst, Benjamin | 6 Mill Path | |
122 | RW | DW | Brinkhurst, Evelyn | 6 Mill Path | |
123 | RW | OW | Bristow, Alice Louise | 3 Harrisons Lane | |
124 | R | O | Broad, George Albion | Bydown | |
125 | RW | DW | Broad, Gertrude Emily | Bydown | |
126 | RW | Broad, Jeanette Mary | Bydown | ||
127 | R | O | Brockhurst, George | 35 Broyle Side | |
128 | RW | DW | Brockhurst, Mable | 35 Broyle Side | |
129 | R | O | Brooks, Albert Henry | Goat Lane | |
130 | RW | DW | Brooks, Ethel Mary | Goat Lane | |
131 | R | Brooks, Hedley Ernest | Rushey Green | ||
132 | R | O | Brooks, Henry James | Rushey Green | |
133 | R | O | Brooks, James Walter | Aston Green | |
134 | R | O | Brown, Cecil Rhodes | Yew Tree Cottage | |
135 | R | O | Browne, Joseph | Half Mile Drove | |
136 | RW | DW | Browne, Myra | Half Mile Drove | |
137 | RW | DW | Browning, Eleanor Beatrice Browning | Wellingham House | |
138 | R | O | Browning, Walter James | Wellingham House | |
139 | RW | OW | Bryant, Ruby Stuart | Church Mead | J |
140 | R | Bryant, Henry | Upper Clayhill | ||
141 | R | O | Bryant, Frederick | 23 Broyle Side | |
142 | RW | DW | Bryant, Rose Ellen | 23 Broyle Side | |
143 | R | O | Bryant, Edward George | Middle View | |
144 | RW | DW | Bryant, Elsie Margaret | Middle View | |
145 | RW | Buckman, May Ester | Newtown | ||
146 | R | O | Buckwell, William Albert | 21 Broyle Side | |
147 | RW | DW | Buckwell, Gertrude | 21 Broyle Side | |
148 | R | O | Buckwell, Harold Raymond | The Green | |
149 | RW | DW | Buckwell, Vera Annie | The Green | |
150 | RW | DW | Buckwell, Clara Rose | The Green | |
151 | R | O | Buckwell, John Samuel | The Green | |
152 | RW | Buckwell, Dorothy Edith | The Green | ||
153 | RW | Buckwell, Lillian Victoria | The Green | ||
154 | RW | DW | Buckwell, Clara Maria | 8 Fairlight Bungalows | |
155 | R | O | Buckwell, Stephen Charles | 8 Fairlight Bungalows | |
156 | RW | DW | Budgen, Ellen | Wellingham | |
157 | R | Budgen, Frederick | Wellingham | ||
158 | R | O | Budgen, George David | Wellingham | |
159 | RW | Budgen, Grace | Wellingham | ||
160 | RW | DW | Bundy, Elsie | 28 Broyle Side | |
161 | RW | Bundy, Daisy Louisa | 28 Broyle Side | ||
162 | R | O | Bundy, Henry James | 28 Broyle Side | |
163 | R | O | Burchett, Norman John | 23 Mill Mead | |
164 | RW | DW | Burchett, Ivy Beatrice | 23 Mill Mead | |
165 | RW | DW | Burfield, Emma Maria | Uckfield Road | |
166 | R | O | Burfield, Caleb | Uckfield Road | |
167 | RW | Burfield, Kathleen Emma | Uckfield Road | ||
168 | R | Burfield, George Reginald | Uckfield Road | ||
169 | R | O | Burfield, Rowland Henry | 3 Love Grove | |
170 | RW | DW | Burfield, Marjorie Doris | 3 Love Grove | |
171 | R | O | Burton, Harry Martin | Union Terrace | |
172 | RW | DW | Burton, Florence Rose | The Briars | |
173 | R | O | Burton, George Henry | The Briars | |
174 | RW | DW | Burton, Rose Winifred | Union Terrace | |
175 | RW | OW | Burton, Annie Maria | 4 Broyle Side | |
176 | RW | Butchers, Dora | Montcoffer | ||
177 | RW | OW | Butchers, Nellie | Montcoffer | |
178 | RW | Butler, Christine Mary | 27 Mill Mead | ||
179 | RW | DW | Butler, Violet | 2 Mill Path | |
180 | R | O | Butler, William Frank Thomas | 2 Mill Path | |
181 | R | Cahill, Joseph | The Kennels | ||
182 | RW | DW | Calverley, Helena | Montgarrie | |
183 | R | O | Calverley, Roy | Montgarrie | J |
184 | NM | Calverley, Harold Frederick | Montgarrie | a | |
185 | R | O | Care, Arthur Harold | Broyle Lane | |
186 | RW | DW | Care, Gladys May | Broyle Lane | |
187 | R | O | Carey, Charles Edward | Broyle Side Farm | J |
188 | RW | DW | Carey, Ada Annie | Broyle Side Farm | |
189 | NM | Carfrae, John | Wood Cottage Clayhill | a | |
190 | R | O | Carpenter, Alfred Charles | Church Hill | |
191 | RW | DW | Carpenter, Ethel | Church Hill | |
192 | R | Carpenter, Thomas Alfred | Church Hill | ||
193 | R | Carpenter, Stanley Charles | Church Hill | ||
194 | RW | OW | Carpenter, Ruth | North Road | |
195 | O | Carr, John | Land (abode, Queensland Dairy, Stoneham, South Malling (Without)) | † | |
196 | R | O | Carr, Jack | Arches Farm | |
197 | RW | DW | Carter, Ethel Lilian | 3B Holding, Uckfield Road | |
198 | R | O | Carter, Ernest John | 3B Holding, Uckfield Road | |
199 | RW | DW | Carter, Florence | Bishops Lane | |
200 | R | O | Carter, Stephen John | Bishops Lane | |
201 | R | O | Catt, Arthur | Delves Cottages | |
202 | RW | DW | Catt, Ethel | Delves Cottages | |
203 | RW | Catt, Ethel May | Delves Cottages | ||
204 | RW | DW | Caunce, Doris | Moor Lane | |
205 | R | O | Caunce, Thomas Leonard | Moor Lane | |
206 | RW | DW | Champion, Daisy Clara | 3 Broyle Lane | |
207 | R | O | Champion, Tom | 3 Broyle Lane | |
208 | RW | OW | Chapman, Elsie Doris | Glandore | |
209 | RW | Charman, Frances May | 3 Church Villas | ||
210 | R | O | Charman, Frederick | 3 Church Villas | |
211 | R | Charman, William Frank | Neaves Lane | ||
212 | R | O | Cheesman, Alfred | Rushey Green | |
213 | RW | DW | Cheesman, Annie | Rushey Green | |
214 | RW | DW | Cherriman, Elizabeth | Middle Broyle | |
215 | R | O | Cherriman, Charles | Middle Broyle | |
216 | R | Chick, Frank | Brewers Arms | ||
217 | R | O | Childs, Joseph William Roger | Littlecot | |
218 | O | Christie, John | Land (abode, Glyndebourne Place, Glynde) | † | |
219 | RW | OW | Chynoweth, Christine | The Old Farm House | J |
220 | RW | DW | Clark, Ellen | The Forges | |
221 | R | O | Clark, Frank | The Forges | |
222 | RW | DW | Clarke, Alice Mabel | 19 Broyle Side | |
223 | R | O | Clarke, Stephen | 19 Broyle Side | |
224 | RW | Clarke, Betty Lillie | Goat Lane | ||
225 | R | O | Clarke, Charles Richard | Goat Lane | |
226 | RW | DW | Clarke, Elizabeth | Goat Lane | |
227 | RW | DW | Clarke, Florence | Wellingham House | |
228 | R | O | Clarke, George | Wellingham House | |
229 | R | O | Clarke, George | 29 Mill Mead | |
230 | RW | DW | Clarke, Nora | 29 Mill Mead | |
231 | R | O | Clarke, Charles William | Uplyme | |
232 | RW | DW | Clarke, Violet Annie | Uplyme | |
233 | R | O | Clarkson, Herbert Green | Park Gate | |
234 | RW | DW | Clarkson, Mary Edith de Laura | Park Gate | |
235 | R | O | Claxton, Cecil Hugo | The Lodge | J |
236 | RW | DW | Claxton, Nora | The Lodge | |
237 | R | O | Clayton, Frank Melbourne | 1 Mill Path | |
238 | RW | DW | Clayton, Edith | 1 Mill Path | |
239 | RW | Clayden, Irene | Park Gate | ||
240 | RW | DW | Clayton, Alice | Broyle Lane | |
241 | R | O | Clayton, Edward | Broyle Lane | |
242 | RW | DW | Clements, Rosetta | Plashett Farm Cottages | |
243 | R | O | Clements, Patrick | Plashett Farm Cottages | |
244 | RW | OW | Cockburn, Irene Flora Ada | 13 Harrisons Lane | |
245 | RW | DW | Cole, Sarah | Yew Tree Cottage | |
246 | R | O | Cole, Percy James | Yew Tree Cottage | |
247 | RW | DW | Cole, Edith May | Yew Tree Bungalow | |
248 | R | O | Cole, John William | Yew Tree Bungalow | |
249 | R | O | Collins, Charles William | 31 Broyle Side | |
250 | RW | DW | Collins, Kate Lily | 31 Broyle Side | |
251 | R | Colman, John William | Goat Lane | ||
252 | RW | OW | Colman, Annie | Goat Lane | |
253 | RW | Colman, Annie (Jun) | Goat Lane | ||
254 | RW | Colman, Elizabeth Mary | Little Manor | ||
255 | RW | DW | Colwell, Edith Mary Ann | The Green | |
256 | R | O | Colwell, Ernest Edward | The Green | |
257 | R | O | Cook, Frederick | Ashton Green | |
258 | RW | DW | Cook, Mary Lydia | Ashton Green | |
259 | R | O | Cooke, Lionel Robert Francis | 3 Vine Cottages | |
260 | RW | DW | Cooke, Marjorie Beach | 3 Vine Cottages | |
261 | RW | DW | Cookson, Lily | Oaklands Lodge | |
262 | R | O | Cookson, Norman | Oaklands Lodge | |
263 | RW | OW | Coomber, May Frances | Almshouses | |
264 | R | O | Cooper, George | The Green | |
265 | R | O | Cooper, Herbert Beverley | Burnam | J |
266 | RW | DW | Cooper, Mabelle | Burnam | |
267 | RW | DW | Cordingley, Emily | Peartree Cottages | |
268 | R | O | Cordingley, Sidney | Peartree Cottages | |
269 | R | O | Cosham, David | Neaves Lane | |
270 | R | O | Cosham, John | Newtown | |
271 | RW | DW | Cosham, Mary Ann | Newtown | |
272 | RW | DW | Cosham, Mary Jane | Broyle Lane | |
273 | R | O | Cosham, Alfred | Broyle Lane | |
274 | RW | DW | Cosham, Elsie | Moor Lane | |
275 | R | O | Cosham, Thomas | Moor Lane | |
276 | R | O | Cottingham, Harry | Upper Clayhill | |
277 | RW | DW | Cottingham, Rose Hannah | Upper Clayhill | |
278 | R | O | Courage, Bertram Frederick | Broyle Mill Farm | J |
279 | RW | OW | Cowan, Winifred Mary Grace | Elm Court | SJ |
280 | R | Cox, Harry | Upper Clayhill | ||
281 | RW | DW | Cox, Rebecca | Broyle Lane | |
282 | R | O | Cox, Tom | Broyle Lane | |
283 | RW | Cracknell, Margaret | Wellingham House | ||
284 | R | O | Craig, John | Goat Farm | |
285 | RW | DW | Craig, Sarah Smith | Goat Farm | |
286 | R | O | Craig, Matthew Harper | Goat Farm | |
287 | RW | OW | Craig, Mary | Holmlea | |
288 | RW | Craig, Janet Camerons | Holmlea | ||
289 | RW | DW | Cramp, Elsie Maud | Brightling | |
290 | R | O | Cramp, Harold Edwin | Brightling | J |
291 | RW | Creasey, Ada Mary | 14 Harrisons Lane | ||
292 | RW | OW | Creasey, Louise | 14 Harrisons Lane | |
293 | RW | DW | Cresswell, Margaret Lilian | Foremans Quarters, Mobilisation Station | |
294 | R | O | Cresswell, Thomas Restwert | Foremans Quarters, Mobilisation Station | |
295 | R | O | Crombet-Beolens, Peter Joseph | 7B Holding, Uckfield Road | |
296 | RW | DW | Crombet-Beolens, Ethel Winifred | 7B Holding, Uckfield Road | |
297 | R | O | Cross-Banfill, Arthur Abraham | Homestead Meadows | J |
298 | RW | DW | Cross-Banfill, Ada Albina | Homestead Meadows | |
299 | R | O | Crossingham, Christopher | 4 Fairlight Bungalows | |
300 | RW | DW | Crossingham, Kate | 4 Fairlight Bungalows | |
301 | RW | DW | Crouch, Ada | Union Terrace | |
302 | R | O | Crouch, William Charles | Union Terrace | |
303 | RW | DW | Crouch, Celia Elizabeth | 1 Broyle Side | |
304 | R | O | Crouch, Charles Stephen | 1 Broyle Side | |
305 | R | O | Crowhurst, George | The Green | |
306 | RW | DW | Crowhurst, Julia Emma | The Green | |
307 | RW | DW | Dale, Florence Emily | The Green | |
308 | R | O | Dale, Mark Nye | The Green | |
309 | R | O | Dalgety, Arthur William Hugh | Wellingham Vane | J |
310 | RW | DW | Dalgety, Ada Emily | Wellingham Vane | |
311 | RW | Danes, Dora | Mannings | ||
312 | R | Danes, Leonard | Mannings | ||
313 | R | O | Daun, Edward | Oakmede | J |
314 | RW | Davies, Margaret Alice | Park Gate | ||
315 | RW | Davis, Phyllis Mary | Upper Clayhill House | ||
316 | RW | Davis, Clarise May | Upper Clayhill House | ||
317 | R | O | Davis, Henry James | Upper Clayhill House | |
318 | RW | DW | Davis, Mary | Upper Clayhill House | |
319 | R | Davison, Joseph | 4 Mill Path | ||
320 | RW | DW | Deacon, Agnes Adelaide Beatrice | Broyle Lane | |
321 | R | O | Deacon, Percy John | Broyle Lane | |
322 | R | O | Deacon, Arthur | 5 Broyle Side | |
323 | RW | DW | Edith | 5 Broyle Side | |
324 | RW | DW | Deacon, Henrietta Elizabeth | 30 Broyle Side | |
325 | R | O | Deacon, Thomas | 30 Broyle Side | |
326 | RW | Deacon, Unice Harriett | Paygate Laundry | ||
327 | RW | DW | de L'Orme, Frances | Melbourne House | |
328 | R | O | de L'Orme, Max Hodel | Melbourne House | J |
329 | R | O | Delves, William Henry (Sen) | Broyle Gate | |
330 | RW | DW | Delves, Elizabeth Jane | Broyle Gate | |
331 | R | O | Delves, William Henry (Jun) | Broyle Gate | J |
332 | RW | Dey, Annie Grant | Delves House | ||
333 | RW | Diaper, Phyllis | Middleham | ||
334 | RW | DW | Digweed, Elizabeth Maria | Swingate Cottages | |
335 | R | O | Digweed, Theodore Clement | Swingate Cottages | |
336 | RW | DW | Diplock, Beatrice Ester | Norman Villa | |
337 | R | O | Diplock, Charles | Norman Villa | J |
338 | R | O | Diplock, David | 1 Love Grove | |
339 | RW | DW | Diplock, Lizzie Dorothy | 1 Love Grove | |
340 | R | Diplock, Francis Stephen | 1 Love Grove | ||
341 | RW | DW | Diplock, Gertrude Louisa | Ham Farm | |
342 | R | O | Diplock, John William | Ham Farm | |
343 | RW | Diplock, Joan Wilfreda | Ham Farm | ||
344 | R | O | Diplock, David | 1 East View Cottages | |
345 | RW | DW | Diplock, Hilda Winifred | 1 East View Cottages | |
346 | R | O | Divall, Edward | 2 Broyle Side | |
347 | R | Divall, Susannah Jessie | 2 Broyle Side | ||
348 | RW | DW | Divall, Emily | The Green | |
349 | R | Divall, Edwin Henry | The Green | J | |
350 | R | O | Divall, Alfred | The Broyle | |
351 | R | Divall, Arthur Thomas | The Broyle | ||
352 | RW | DW | Divall, Gladys Winifred | The Bungalow, Broyle Lane | |
353 | R | O | Divall, Harold Stanley | The Bungalow, Broyle Lane | |
354 | RW | DW | Divall, Minnie | The Broyle | |
355 | RW | DW | Divall, Joyce Caroline Beatrice | The Broyle | |
356 | R | O | Divall, Valentine Aubrey | The Broyle | |
357 | RW | Divall, Kathleen Ivy | The Green | ||
358 | R | O | Divall, Harold | Goat Lane | |
359 | RW | DW | Divall, Helen Louisa | Goat Lane | |
360 | R | O | Divall, Thomas George | The Green | |
361 | RW | DW | Divall, Dorothy Margaret | The Green | |
362 | R | O | Divall, Edward George | The Green | |
363 | R | Divall, William Herbert | 10 Mill Path | ||
364 | R | O | Dorian, Hugh | Park Gate Cottage | |
365 | RW | DW | Dorian, Winifred | Park Gate Cottage | |
366 | RW | DW | Dowlen, Ellen | Lower Clayhill | |
367 | R | O | Dowlen, Frank | Lower Clayhill | |
368 | RW | Dueden, Elizabeth | 1 Springett Cottages | ||
369 | RW | OW | Duley, Annie | 3 Fairlight Bungalows | |
370 | R | O | Durrant, Alick | 13 Broyle Side | |
371 | RW | DW | Durrant, Ellen | 13 Broyle Side | |
372 | RW | DW | Durrant, Jean | The Hollies | |
373 | R | 0 | Durrant, Theodore Vincent Scott | The Hollies | |
374 | RW | Durrant, Madeline Alberta Scott | The Hollies | ||
375 | RW | Eade, Florence Mabel | Newtown | ||
376 | RW | Eade, Gertrude | Newtown | ||
377 | R | O | Eade, George Frederick | Newtown | |
378 | RW | DW | Eade, Elizabeth Ellen | 4 Harrisons Lane | |
379 | R | O | Eade, Ernest Charles | 4 Harrisons Lane | |
380 | RW | OW | Eames, Louisa Mary | Bishops Lane | |
381 | R | Eames, Charles Arthur | Bishops Lane | ||
382 | O | Eames, Alfred George | Land (abode, Tudor Lodge, Juggs Lane, Kingston, nr Lewes) | ||
383 | R | O | Early, Horace | Sunrise | |
384 | RW | DW | Early, Lilian | Sunrise | |
385 | R | Edginton, Hugh | Broyle Lane | ||
386 | R | O | Edmundson, Ralph | Clayhill Lodge | J |
387 | RW | Edmundson, Alice Edith | Clayhill Lodge | ||
388 | RW | DW | Edmundson, Marjorie Salome | Clayhill Lodge | |
389 | RW | DW | Edwards, Marjorie Frances | Wyngarth | |
390 | R | O | Edwards, Walter Ernest | Wyngarth | J |
391 | RW | Elcock, Evelyn | Paygate Laundry | ||
392 | R | O | Ellicott, Edwin Ernest | Uckfield Road | |
393 | RW | DW | Ellicott, Mary | Uckfield Road | |
394 | RW | OW | Ellis, Annie | Feoffee Cottage | |
395 | RW | DW | Ellis, Edith Charlotte | 8 Broyle Side | |
396 | R | O | Ellis, John | 8 Broyle Side | |
397 | RW | DW | Ellis, Edith Mable | Chalfont | |
398 | R | O | Ellis, George | Church Hill | |
399 | RW | DW | Ellis, Harriett Frances | Church Hill | |
400 | R | O | Ellis, William Charles | Chalfont | J |
401 | R | O | Ellis, George John | Broyle Gate | |
402 | RW | DW | Ellis, Mary Ann | Broyle Gate | |
403 | R | O | Ellis, James Eli | Fingerpost | |
404 | RW | DW | Ellis, Florence Violet May | Upper Broyle Farm | |
405 | R | O | Ellis, Frederick George | Upper Broyle Farm | |
406 | R | O | Ellis, Alfred William | Homestead | J |
407 | RW | DW | Ellis, Ellen | Homestead | |
408 | RW | Ellis, Ellen Caroline | Fingerpost | ||
409 | RW | DW | Ellis, Ellen Louisa | 5 Mill Mead | |
410 | R | O | Ellis, George John | 5 Mill Mead | |
411 | R | Ellis, Alfred | St Hughs | ||
412 | RW | Ellis, Annie | St Hughs | ||
413 | R | O | Ellis, George | St Hughs | J |
414 | R | O | Elphick, Raymond Samuel | Finger Post Farm | |
415 | RW | DW | Elphick, Ruth | Finger Post Farm | |
416 | O | Elphick, Samuel | Land (abode, Sunny Brae, Grange Road, Lewes) | ||
417 | R | O | Embers, Charles William | 13 Mill Mead | |
418 | RW | DW | Embers, Edith | 13 Mill Mead | |
419 | RW | DW | Evans, Nellie | 6 East View Cottages | |
420 | R | O | Evans, Richard | 6 East View Cottages | |
421 | R | O | Evans, Frank | Broyle Lane | |
422 | RW | DW | Evans, Lily Muriel | Broyle Lane | |
423 | R | Fenner, Allan Ashton | Ashtonville | ||
424 | R | O | Fenner, Frederick Theedham | Ashtonville | |
425 | RW | OW | Fenner, Laura Alice May | Ashtonville | |
426 | R | Field, Terrace Arnold | 6 Broyle Side | ||
427 | RW | OW | Field, Rosalind Clara | 6 Broyle Side | |
428 | R | Field, Reginald Victor | 6 Broyle Side | ||
429 | RW | Field, Betty Cissie | 6 Broyle Side | ||
430 | R | O | Foord, Edward | Broyle Place | |
431 | RW | DW | Foord, Ellen Elizabeth | Broyle Place | |
432 | RW | DW | Foord, Florence Martha | Barnfield Farm | |
433 | R | O | Foord, George Bernard | Barnfield Farm | J |
434 | R | O | Foord, Harry | Upper Broyle | |
435 | RW | DW | Foord, Florence Gertude | Upper Lodge Farm | |
436 | R | Foord, James Frederick | Upper Lodge Farm | ||
437 | R | O | Foord, James Sexton | Upper Lodge Farm | J |
438 | R | Foord, Robert John | Upper Lodge Farm | ||
439 | RW | DW | Foord, Mary | Wellingham | |
440 | R | O | Foord, Robert Ernest | Wellingham | |
441 | R | O | Foord, James William | Downsview Broyle Place | |
442 | RW | DW | Foord, Constance Maud | Downsview Broyle Place | |
443 | RW | DW | Foord, Florence May | Sunnybank Broyle Place | |
444 | R | O | Foord, Gilbert | Sunnybank Broyle Place | |
445 | R | O | Foord, James | Southdown | |
446 | RW | DW | Foord, Ruth | Southdown | |
447 | RW | Ford, Annie | Bishops Lane | ||
448 | R | O | Ford, Henry Joseph | 38 Broyle Side | |
449 | RW | DW | Ford, Mable Naomi | 38 Broyle Side | |
450 | R | O | Ford, John | Chestnuts | |
451 | RW | DW | Ford, Alice Mary | Chestnuts | |
452 | R | O | Ford, Thomas Albert | Paygate | |
453 | R | Ford, William Peter | Paygate | ||
454 | RW | DW | Ford, Annie | The Green | |
455 | R | O | Ford, Walter Sidney | The Green | |
456 | R | Ford, John Richard | Upper Lodge Cottages | ||
457 | R | O | Ford, Richard | Upper Lodge Cottages | |
458 | RW | Ford, Hannah Louisa | Upper Lodge Cottages | ||
459 | R | O | Ford, Percy Henry | Elm Tree Cottage | |
460 | RW | OW | Ford, Eliza | Bishops Lane | |
461 | R | O | Ford, Thomas | Broyle Lane | |
462 | RW | DW | Ford, Martha | Broyle Lane | |
463 | RW | DW | Ford, Daisy Florence | The Chestnuts | |
464 | RW | DW | Ford, Emily Susan | Elm Tree Cottage | |
465 | R | O | Ford, Frederick Ernest | The Chestnuts | |
466 | R | O | French, Harold Lewis | North Road | |
467 | RW | DW | French, Florence Emily | North Road | |
468 | R | O | Frost, Albert Edward | Smiths Lane | |
469 | RW | DW | Frost, Maria | Smiths Lane | |
470 | R | O | Fuidge, Herbert George | Moor House | |
471 | RW | DW | Fuidge, Lilian Mary | Moor House | |
472 | R | O | Fuller, Albert Edward | 40 Broyle Side | |
473 | RW | DW | Fuller, Edith Emily | 40 Broyle Side | |
474 | O | Fuller, Harry Stuart Walne | land. (abode, Newlyn, Southover Street, Lewes) | ||
475 | RW | DW | Funnell, Emily | Wish Farm | |
476 | R | O | Funnell, Robert | Wish Farm | |
477 | RW | Funnell, Charlotte | Lugano | ||
478 | R | O | Funnell, Frederick | New Road | |
479 | RW | DW | Funnell, Louisa Winifred | New Road | |
480 | R | Funnell, William Jack | Wish Farm | ||
481 | R | O | Funnell, Robert John | 9 Mill Mead | |
482 | RW | DW | Funnell, Ethel Lucy | 9 Mill Mead | |
483 | R | O | Gabbitas, Ernest | Green Man Inn | J |
484 | RW | DW | Gabbitas, Kathleen Eliza | Green Man Inn | |
485 | R | Gander, Albert | Lionville | ||
486 | R | O | Garner, John | Park Farm Cottages | |
487 | RW | DW | Garner, Violet | Park Farm Cottages | |
488 | RW | OW | Garnham, Caroline Maud | Plashett Farm Cottages | |
489 | R | O | Garnham, Joseph John | 2 Broyle Lane | |
490 | RW | DW | Garnham, Lydia Louise | 2 Broyle Lane | |
491 | RW | Gaston, Lily Kate | Newtown | ||
492 | RW | OW | Gaston, Sarah | Newtown | |
493 | RW | DW | Geall, Hannah Eliza | 9 Broyle Side | |
494 | R | O | Geall, John | 9 Broyle Side | |
495 | R | O | Geall, Edward William | 20 Broyle Side | |
496 | RW | DW | Geall, Laura | 20 Broyle Side | |
497 | R | O | Geall, Charles | 15 Harrisons Lane | |
498 | RW | DW | Geall, Ellen | 15 Harrisons Lane | |
499 | O | Gebbie, Charles Christopher | Surgery (abode, Farings, Houndean Rise, Lewes) | ||
500 | R | O | Geering, Lewis Archer | The Green | J |
501 | RW | DW | Geering, Rose | The Green | |
502 | R | O | Gibbs, George Henry | Broyle Lane | |
503 | RW | DW | Gibbs, Harriett | Broyle Lane | |
504 | R | O | Glass, Donald James Cumberlege | Ringmer Park | SJ |
505 | R | Gledhill, Claude Verity | Greenacre | ||
506 | RW | DW | Gledhill, Doris Winifred | Greenacre | |
507 | R | O | Gledhill, Sidney Verity | Greenacre | |
508 | RW | Goddard, Jessie Lavinia Gertude | As You Like It, Gote Lane | ||
509 | R | Goddings, Robert | 15 Broyle Side | ||
510 | R | Godfrey, Henry | Old Ship Inn | ||
511 | RW | OW | Goldsmith, Elsie Ada | Norlington Gate | |
512 | RW | DW | Goldsmith, Isabel Ina | Central Stores | |
513 | R | O | Goldsmith, John | Central Stores | J |
514 | RW | Goldsmith, Sylvia | Central Stores | ||
515 | R | Goldsmith, Herbert | Central Stores | ||
516 | R | Goldsmith, Frank Reginald | Central Stores | ||
517 | R | Goldsmith, Harold | Wellingham Corner | ||
518 | RW | DW | Goldsmith, Minnie | Wellingham Corner | |
519 | R | O | Goldsmith, Robert John | Wellingham Corner | |
520 | R | O | Goldsmith, William Lambert | 18 Broyle Side | |
521 | RW | DW | Goldsmith, Annie | 18 Broyle Side | |
522 | R | O | Goldsmith, John | Ash Tree Garage | |
523 | R | Goldsmith, Albert | Pear Tree Cottages | ||
524 | R | O | Goldsmith, Josiah | Pear Tree Cottages | |
525 | RW | DW | Goldsmith, Kate | Pear Tree Cottages | |
526 | R | O | Goldsmith, Robert | Clayhill Bungalow | |
527 | RW | DW | Goldsmith, Rosetta Lilian | Clayhill Bungalow | |
528 | R | O | Gordon, Alfred | The Elms | J |
529 | RW | DW | Gordon, Marjorie Annie | The Elms | |
530 | RW | DW | Gough, Beatrice | 7 Harrisons Lane | |
531 | R | O | Gough, Robert William | 7 Harrisons Lane | |
532 | R | Gowlett, Edwin John | Broyle Lane | ||
533 | RW | DW | Gowlett, Hannah | Church Hill | |
534 | R | O | Gowlett, Herbert James William | Church Hill | |
535 | RW | Green, Edith Nora | Delves House | ||
536 | RW | DW | Greenfield, Nellie | 3 Mill Path | |
537 | R | O | Greenfield, Reginald Walter | 3 Mill Path | |
538 | RW | Gregory, Marjorie | Old Farm House | ||
539 | RW | Grice, Annie Douglas | Rosemead | ||
540 | R | Grounsell, Ernest Edward | Merton Cottage | ||
541 | RW | DW | Gully, Dorothy | Ringmer Poultry Farm | |
542 | R | O | Gully, John George | Ringmer Poultry Farm | J |
543 | RW | DW | Gumbrell, Florence | Ham Lane | |
544 | R | O | Gumbrell, Richard Labon | Ham Lane | |
545 | R | O | Gumbrell, George Henry | Wellingham Farm | |
546 | RW | DW | Gumbrell, Annie Marion | Wellingham Farm | |
547 | R | O | Guy, Charles Alfred John | Wellingham Farm | |
548 | RW | OW | Guy, Emily Amelia | 5 East View Cottages | |
549 | R | Haffenden, Ernest | Plashett Farm Cottages | ||
550 | RW | OW | Hall, Pretoria Anne | Elm Court Cottages | |
551 | RW | DW | Hall, Francis Nellie | Acorn Cottage | |
552 | R | O | Hall, Isaac | Acorn Cottage | |
553 | RW | DW | Halliday, Evelyn Mary | Green Tiles | |
554 | R | O | Halliday, Robert | Green Tiles | J |
555 | O | Hamer, Alfred | Land (abode, Sun Hotel, Plumpton) | ||
556 | R | O | Harman, Ernest | Elmsleigh | |
557 | RW | DW | Harman, Elsie | Elmsleigh | |
558 | RW | DW | Harper, Florence Mary | Norlington Farm | |
559 | R | O | Harper, Joseph Henry | Norlington Farm | |
560 | R | Harper, John Henry | Norlington Farm | ||
561 | RW | DW | Harris, Elizabeth | 27 Broyle Side | |
562 | R | O | Harris, Stephen Frederick | 27 Broyle Side | |
563 | R | Harris, William John | 27 Broyle Side | ||
564 | RW | OW | Harris, Ellen | 15 Broyle Side | |
565 | R | O | Harris, Frederick | 15 Broyle Side | |
566 | R | O | Hart, John Henry | 10 Mill Path | |
567 | RW | DW | Hart, Katherine Emily | 10 Mill Path | |
568 | RW | DW | Hartfield, Beatrice | Broyle Villa | |
569 | R | O | Hartfield, Edwin Thomas | Broyle Villa | J |
570 | R | Hartfield, Owen Thomas | Broyle Villa | ||
571 | RW | Hatherell, Beryl Margaret | Barndown | ||
572 | RW | DW | Hatherell, Margaret | Barndown | |
573 | R | O | Hatherell, William Snowden | Barndown | |
574 | RW | DW | Hatley, France Mary | Oaklands | |
575 | R | O | Hatley, Harry | Oaklands | SJ |
576 | R | O | Haupt, John Christopher | 35 Mill Mead | |
577 | RW | DW | Haupt, Violet Edna | 35 Mill Mead | |
578 | RW | _ | Hayler, Emily | Oaklands | |
579 | R | O | Hayward, Charles | Red Barn Farm | |
580 | RW | DW | Hayward, Mary | Red Barn Farm | |
581 | R | - | Heasman, Gaius Bernard | 26 Broyle Side | |
582 | RW | OW | Heasman, Kate | 26 Broyle Side | |
583 | R | - | Heasman, Edward Cuthbert | 26 Broyle Side | |
584 | RW | - | Heath, Kathleen | Wellingham House | |
585 | R | O | Henderson, George Robert Basil | Delves House | SJ |
586 | RW | DW | Henderson, Violet Leonora | Delves House | |
587 | RW | DW | Hewson, Ethel | 22 Broyle Side | |
588 | R | - | Hewson, James | 22 Broyle Side | |
589 | R | O | Hewson, Joseph Frank | 22 Broyle Side | |
590 | R | O | Hewson, Arthur | 4 Vine Cottages | |
591 | R | - | Hickman, Albert | Norlington Farm | |
592 | RW | DW | Higham, Dora Florence | Woodfield | |
593 | R | O | Higham, Eric | Woodfield | |
594 | RW | DW | Hillman, Annie | 5 Springett Cottages | |
595 | R | 0 | Hillman, George | 5 Springett Cottages | |
596 | RW | - | Hills, Joan Alice | Norlington | |
597 | RW | DW | Hills, Alice | Norlington | |
598 | R | O | Hills, Ebenezer | Norlington | |
599 | R | O | Hilton, Ambrose | Ashton Green | J |
600 | R | - | Hobbs, John | Broyle Gate | |
601 | R | O | Hobden, Cecil Percy | Paygate Villas | J |
602 | RW | DW | Hobden, Ruth Elizabeth | Paygate Villas | |
603 | RW | DW | Hobden, Alice | Dural Farm | |
604 | R | O | Hobden, Harry | Dural Farm | |
605 | R | O | Hobden, George Henry | 7c Holding, Uchfield Road | |
606 | RW | DW | Hobden, Caroline Jane | 7c Holding, Uchfield Road | |
607 | R | O | Hobden, Archibald | Turnpike Farm | |
608 | RW | DW | Hobden, Lily May | Turnpike Farm | |
609 | R | O | Hobden, James | Goat Lane | |
610 | RW | DW | Hobden, Julia | Goat Lane | |
611 | RW | DW | Hobden, Henrietta | Upper Broyle Farm | |
612 | R | O | Hobden, Henry James | Upper Broyle Farm | |
613 | R | - | Hodgkin, Arthur Henry | Downholm | |
614 | RW | - | Hodgkin, Ellen Louisa | Downholm | |
615 | R | O | Hodgkins, William George | Broyle Lane | |
616 | RW | DW | Hodgkins, Nellie | Broyle Lane | |
617 | RW | DW | Holden, Hannah Maria | Newtown | |
618 | R | O | Holden, Henry William | Newtown | |
619 | RW | - | Holden, Bertha Alice | Newtown | |
620 | - | O | Holdsworth, George | Land (abode, Glynde Place, Glynde) | † |
621 | R | O | Holloway, Albert | Lodge Farm Cottages | |
622 | RW | DW | Holloway, Phyllis | Lodge Farm Cottages | |
623 | RW | DW | Holmwood, Sarah Ellen | Hare & Hounds Inn | |
624 | R | O | Holmwood, Thomas Henry | Hare & Hounds Inn | J |
625 | R | O | Holter, Alfred James | Rushey Green | J |
626 | RW | DW | Holter, Charlotte Ellen | Rushey Green | |
627 | R | O | Honeysett, Alfred | North Road | |
628 | RW | DW | Honeysett, Ellen | North Road | |
629 | R | - | Honeysett, Frank Edward | North Road | |
630 | RW | DW | Hooper, Alice | Sunnymede | |
631 | R | O | Hooper, Charles Henry | Sunnymede | J |
632 | R | O | Hooper, Arthur Rowland | End House | J |
633 | RW | DW | Hooper, Freda Alice | End House | |
634 | RW | DW | Hopkins, Constance Maud | 9 Harrisons Lane | |
635 | R | O | Hopkins, Edwin | 9 Harrisons Lane | |
636 | R | O | Horton, Jack Leslie | Brook Cottage | |
637 | RW | DW | Horton, Ivy May | Brook Cottage | |
638 | B | O | Howard, George William | Land (abode, The Briars, Ninfield) | |
639 | RW | DW | Howell, Amy | Norlington | |
640 | R | O | Howell, Henry Trayton | Norlington | |
641 | RW | DW | Huggett, Daisy | Church Villas | |
642 | R | O | Huggett, Dennett | Church Villas | J |
643 | RW | - | Huggett, Madeline Renee | Church Villas | |
644 | R | O | Humphrey, Albert | Mill Plain | |
645 | RW | DW | Humphrey, Isabella | Mill Plain | |
646 | RW | - | Hunt, Caroline Alice | Oakmede | |
647 | R | O | Ingram, Arthur David | Mannings | |
648 | RW | DW | Ingram, Margaret Louisa | Mannings | |
649 | RW | - | Jackson, Mary Jane | Sunnyside | |
650 | RW | DW | Jackson, Jessie | Brookside | |
651 | R | O | Jackson, Joseph Samuel | Brookside | |
652 | R | O | Jackson, Arthur Earle | Ham Lane Cottages | |
653 | RW | DW | Jackson, Alice Maud | Ham Lane Cottages | |
654 | RW | - | Jakeman, Margaret Clare | Post Office | |
655 | RW | - | James, Nancy Emily | Park Gate | |
656 | RW | DW | James, Edith | North Road | |
657 | R | O | James, Walter Burton | North Road | |
658 | RW | DW | James, Bertha | The Green | |
659 | R | O | James, William Henry | The Green | |
660 | R | O | James, Walter Arthur | Newtown | |
661 | RW | DW | James, Ivy Grace | Newtown | |
662 | R | O | James, William | Wellingham Vane | |
663 | R | O | Jeffery, Arthur Frederick | Smiths Lane | |
664 | RW | DW | Jeffery, Louisa | Smiths Lane | |
665 | R | O | Jeffery, Eric | Neaves Lane | |
666 | RW | DW | Jeffery, Irene | Neaves Lane | |
667 | R | O | Jeffery, Arthur | Bishops Lane | |
668 | RW | DW | Jeffery, Ethel | Bishops Lane | |
669 | RW | DW | Jenkins, Ada Alice | Swingate Cottages | |
670 | R | O | Jenkins, Henry Edward | Swingate Cottages | |
671 | R | O | Jenkins, Thomas Henry | The Chestnuts | |
672 | R | O | Jenkins, Albert | Velynal | J |
673 | RW | DW | Jenkins, Evelyn May | Velynal | |
674 | NM | D | Jenkins, Montaue Percy | Little Long House | a |
675 | RW | OW | Jenkins, Joyce Caroline | Little Long House | |
676 | RW | OW | Jones, Alice Elizabeth | Church Row | |
677 | RW | DW | Jones, Ethel Zilla | Rydall Mount | |
678 | R | O | Jones, John Frederick | Rydall Mount | |
679 | RW | DW | Jones, Kathleen | Upper Lodge Cottages | |
680 | R | O | Jones, William | Upper Lodge Cottages | |
681 | R | O | Jones, Edward Cecil | Lionville | |
682 | R | - | Jones, Ernest Herbert | Lionville | |
683 | RW | DW | Jones, Elizabeth | Half Mile Drove | |
684 | R | O | Jones, Thomas | Half Mile Drove | |
685 | R | O | Jones, Edward George | 6 North Road | |
686 | RW | DW | Jones, Florence Edith | 6 North Road | |
687 | R | O | Jones, John William | 34 Broyle Side | |
688 | RW | DW | Jones, Winifred | 34 Broyle Side | |
689 | RW | DW | Juniper, Alice | Harveys Gate | |
690 | R | O | Juniper, Jabez | Harveys Gate | |
691 | R | - | Kelleway, John Edward | 3A Holding, Uckfield Road | |
692 | RW | DW | Kemp, Dorcas Winifred Nancy | 8 Fairlight Bungalows | |
693 | R | O | Kemp, Frederick | 8 Fairlight Bungalows | |
694 | R | - | Kemp, Thomas John | Sherbourne | |
695 | R | - | Kemp, Oliver Dennis | The Kennels | |
696 | RW | - | Kenwood, Alice | Lion Cottage | |
697 | R | O | Kenwood, George | Lion Cottage | |
698 | R | O | Kenwood, James Henry | Lion Cottage | |
699 | RW | DW | Kenwood, Marjorie Alice | Lion Cottage | |
700 | R | O | Kerr, David Robertson | Holm Bungalow | |
701 | RW | DW | Kerr, Phyllis Marjorie Louise | Holm Bungalow | |
702 | R | O | Kilham, Mark | Union Terrace | |
703 | RW | DW | Kilham, Martha Emma | Union Terrace | |
704 | R | O | King, George | Conister | J |
705 | RW | DW | King, Mable Isabel | Conister | |
706 | R | O | King, Horace | Rushey Green | |
707 | RW | King, Kitty | Rushey Green | ||
708 | RW | DW | King, Minnie Laura | Rushey Green | |
709 | R | Knight, William Arthur | 3 Mill Path | ||
710 | R | Knowles, Frederick | The Denes | ||
711 | R | O | Larkin, Frederick | 17 Broyle Side | |
712 | RW | DW | Larkin, Dorothy | 17 Broyle Side | |
713 | R | Larkin, Frederick (sen.) | Norlington Gate | ||
714 | R | Larkin, Frederick (jnr.) | Norlington Gate | ||
715 | R | Larkin, Jack Charles | Norlington Gate | ||
716 | R | O | Lavender, Albert Edward | Nane Snugger | J |
717 | RW | DW | Lavender, Lois | Nane Snugger | |
718 | R | Lavender, Ernest Albert | Nane Snugger | ||
719 | R | Lavender, Walter Cecil | Nane Snugger | ||
720 | R | O | Lavender, Frederick Charles | Near Old Ship Inn | |
721 | RW | DW | Lavender, Kathleen Maude | Near Old Ship Inn | |
722 | RW | DW | Lay, Edith Emma | 11 Harrisons Lane | |
723 | R | O | Lay, Francis Harry | 11 Harrisons Lane | |
724 | RW | DW | Lay, Freda | 16 Harrisons Lane | |
725 | R | O | Lay, Frederick Charles | 16 Harrisons Lane | |
726 | RW | DW | Lay, Emily Maud | Back Green | |
727 | R | O | Lay, Ernest | Back Green | |
728 | R | Lee, James | The Chestnuts | ||
729 | R | O | Leister, John Henry | 2 Downs View | J |
730 | RW | DW | Leister, Ruth | 2 Downs View | |
731 | R | O | Lewery, Alfred | Wellingham Corner | J |
732 | RW | DW | Lewery, Winifred Clara | Wellingham Corner | |
733 | R | Lewery, Alfred Norman | Wellingham Corner | ||
734 | R | Lewery, James | Plashett Farm Cottages | ||
735 | RW | DW | Lewis, Eunice Beryl | Paygate Cottages | |
736 | R | O | Lewis, William Henry | Paygate Cottages | |
737 | RW | DW | Longden, Whyllis Violet Augusta | N'Jaha | |
738 | R | O | Longden, Winton Spence | N'Jaha | |
739 | RW | DW | Lord, Eleanor | Police Station | |
740 | R | O | Lord, Walter Robert | Police Station | |
741 | RW | DW | Loveridge, Gwendolin | Arches Farm | |
742 | R | O | Loveridge, Stanley John | Arches Farm | |
743 | R | Lucas, William | 29 Mill Mead | ||
744 | RW | DW | Luckhurst, Myrtle Mary | The Kennels | |
745 | R | O | Luckhurst, William Thomson | The Kennels | |
746 | RW | DW | Mabbott, Eva Daisy | 7A Holding, Uckfield Rd | |
747 | R | O | Mabbott, Reginald Victor | 7A Holding, Uckfield Rd | |
748 | RW | Mabbott, Clara | Shepherds Mead | ||
749 | RW | DW | McBean, Florence Mary | Westbourne | |
750 | R | O | McBean, William John | Westbourne | J |
751 | NM | Macdonald, Alaister | Elm Court | a | |
752 | NM | Macdonald, John Frederick Matheson | Elm Court | a | |
753 | NM | Macdonald, Patrick Donald | Elm Court | a | |
754 | R | Madgwick, Albert Henry | 29 Broyle Side | ||
755 | RW | Mallett, Daisy Florence | Downholm | ||
756 | R | O | Manktellow, Harry Christopher | The Green | |
757 | RW | DW | Manktellow, Winifred Freda | The Green | |
758 | R | Mann, John | Lionville | ||
759 | RW | DW | Manville, Elsie | Moorlands Farm | |
760 | R | O | Manville, Frederick | Moorlands Farm | |
761 | R | O | Marchant, Charles Alfred | 11 Broyle Side | |
762 | RW | DW | Marchant, Ellen Clarica | 11 Broyle Side | |
763 | R | Marsh, Walter | 4 Love Grove | ||
764 | RW | Marshall, Annie Maria | Redruth | ||
765 | RW | Marshall, Bessie | Clayhill House | ||
766 | RW | OW | Martin, Bethia | The Green | |
767 | RW | OW | Martin, Grace | Lionville | |
768 | O | Martin, James Henry | Land (abode, The Scobells, Barcombe) | † | |
769 | R | O | Martin, Clement | Greens Cottage | |
770 | RW | DW | Martin, Winifred Gertude | Greens Cottage | |
771 | R | Martin, George | 14 Broyle Side | ||
772 | RW | DW | Martin, Lilian | Corsindale | |
773 | R | O | Martin, William Henry | Corsindale | |
774 | RW | DW | Matchett, May | Black House | |
775 | R | O | Matchett, Leslie William | Black House | |
776 | R | McCarthy, James | Clayhill House | ||
777 | RW | McNab, Ellen Elsie | Clayhill House | ||
778 | R | McNab, George Briggs | Clayhill House | ||
779 | RW | OW | Mercer, Iris | Sheepways | |
780 | R | Middleditch, John Charles | The Kennels | ||
781 | RW | DW | Mighall, Catherine Mary | 39 Broyle Side | |
782 | R | Mighall, Frederick James | 39 Broyle Side | ||
783 | R | O | Mighall, Thomas Edward | 39 Broyle Side | |
784 | R | O | Miles, George | Forge Cottage | |
785 | RW | DW | Miles, Grace Mary | Forge Cottage | |
786 | R | O | Milham, Ernest Frank | Half Mile Drove | |
787 | RW | DW | Milham, Mary Dorothy Maud | Half Mile Drove | |
788 | RW | DW | Miller, Annie | Rushwood | |
789 | R | O | Miller, Joseph Charles | Rushwood | |
790 | RW | DW | Miller, Dorothy May | Clayhill | |
791 | R | O | Miller, George | Clayhill | |
792 | RW | OW | Miller, Clara | Rushey Green | |
793 | R | O | Miller, George | Mill Plain | |
794 | RW | DW | Miller, Caroline | Mill Plain | |
795 | RW | DW | Mockford, Gwendoline | 33 Broyle Side | |
796 | R | O | Mockford, John William | 33 Broyle Side | |
797 | R | Molland, Percival Osborne | Swingate Cottages | ||
798 | O | Monnington, Gilbert John Richard | Land (abode, Upper Steneham Farm, South Malling (Without)) | † | |
799 | R | Montague, Arthur | Bamfield, Uckfield Rd | ||
800 | R | Moon, Jasper David | Moor Lane | ||
801 | R | Moon, William | Goat Lane | ||
802 | RW | DW | Moon, Ellen | Moor Lane | |
803 | R | O | Moon, Charles | Goat Lane | |
804 | R | O | Moon, Jasper Henry | Moor Lane | |
805 | RW | DW | Moon, Mary | Goat Lane | |
806 | RW | OW | Moore, Mary | Union Terrace | |
807 | R | O | Moore, Ernest Charles | Green Lane | |
808 | RW | OW | Moore, Mary Elizabeth | North Road | |
809 | RW | DW | Moore, Ellen Elizabeth | Aston Green | |
810 | R | O | Moore, William John | Aston Green | |
811 | RW | DW | Moores, Gladys | The Stores | |
812 | R | O | Moores, Rowland John | The Stores | J |
813 | RW | OW | Morgan, Louie Winnie | 16 Broyle Side | |
814 | RW | Morgan, Mai Tillington | Green Tiles | ||
815 | R | Morris, Sidney James | 5 East View Cottages | ||
816 | RW | Moseley, Helen | 7E Holding, Uckfield Rd | ||
817 | RW | Moss, Clare Elizabeth | Ringmer Park | ||
818 | R | O | Muggeridge, Charles | Dart Vale | |
819 | RW | DW | Muggeridge, Doris Daisy | Dart Vale | |
820 | RW | Munro, Jessie Ann Reed | Clayhill House | ||
821 | R | O | Newnam, Frederick | Goat Lane | |
822 | RW | DW | Newnam, Mary | Goat Lane | |
823 | RW | DW | Newnam, Mary Ann | The Olives | |
824 | R | O | Newnam, Joseph | The Olives | |
825 | R | Noel, George | 4 Harrisons Lane | ||
826 | R | Norgate, Jesse | Upper Broyle Farm | ||
827 | RW | Norris, Annie Alice | 15 Mill Mead | ||
828 | R | Norris, Ernest Alec | 15 Mill Mead | ||
829 | R | Norris, Harold Robert | 15 Mill Mead | ||
830 | R | O | Norris, Leslie Noel | 15 Mill Mead | |
831 | RW | DW | North, Alice Mabel | 5 Harrisons Lane | |
832 | R | O | North, Leslie Ernest | 5 Harrisons Lane | |
833 | RW | DW | Nosworthy, Frances Rose | Downsview | |
834 | R | O | Nosworthy, Reginald Edward | Downsview | J |
835 | R | Nunn, Harry | The Kennels | ||
836 | R | O | Oakley, Henry Arthur | Plashett Park Gate | |
837 | RW | DW | Oakley, Nellie | Plashett Park Gate | |
838 | R | O | Olley, Albert Allen | 27 Mill Mead | |
839 | RW | DW | Olley, Eileen Mary | 27 Mill Mead | |
840 | R | O | Oram, Henry Jenner | North Road | |
841 | RW | DW | Oram, Margaret Elizabeth | North Road | |
842 | RW | OW | Owen, Bettie | Little Thatch | J |
843 | R | O | Owls, Frederick Reeve | Pendower | |
844 | RW | DW | Owls, Gwendoline Winifred | Pendower | |
845 | RW | DW | Packham, Louisa | 10 Broyle Side | |
846 | R | Packham, Robert Frank | 10 Broyle Side | ||
847 | R | O | Packham, William | 10 Broyle Side | |
848 | RW | DW | Packham, Elizabeth | North Road | |
849 | R | O | Packham, William | North Road | |
850 | NM | Page, Victor Clyde Alfred | 6 Park Farm Cottages | a | |
851 | R | O | Painter, Charles | Goat Lane | |
852 | R | O | Pankhurst, Alfred John | Glyndeside | |
853 | RW | DW | Pankhurst, Gertrude | Glyndeside | |
854 | RW | OW | Pankhurst, Caroline | Home Cot | |
855 | RW | DW | Paris, Mary Ann | Red Ridges | |
856 | R | O | Paris, William James | Red Ridges | |
857 | R | O | Park, Benjamin | Hill View | |
858 | RW | DW | Park, Rose Beatrice | Hill View | |
859 | RW | Park, Hannah | Forge Cottage | ||
860 | R | O | Parris, Aubrey Cyril | 3A Holding, Uckfield Rd | |
861 | RW | DW | Parris, Winifred Alice | 3A Holding, Uckfield Rd | |
862 | RW | DW | Parris, Evelyn Margaret | 24 Broyle Side | |
863 | R | O | Parris, Frederick David Johnothan | 24 Broyle Side | |
864 | RW | Parris, Mary | The Green | ||
865 | R | Parris, Frederick | The Bungalow, Broyle Lane | ||
866 | RW | DW | Parsons, Alice Dora | Lower Clayhill | |
867 | R | O | Parsons, Herbert | Lower Clayhill | |
868 | R | O | Parsons, Frederick William | 9 Fairlight Bungalows | |
869 | RW | DW | Parsons, Naomi | 9 Fairlight Bungalows | |
870 | RW | Passiful, Daisy | Telephone Exchange | ||
871 | RW | DW | Pattenden, Edith Lydia | Broyle Gate Cottage | |
872 | R | O | Pattenden, William | Broyle Gate Cottage | |
873 | NM | Pattenden, John Edward | Broyle Gate Cottage | a | |
874 | R | Pattenden, Herbert George | Broyle Gate Cottage | ||
875 | R | O | Pavey, Charles Herbert Wilfred | Lytton Cheney | J |
876 | RW | DW | Pavey, Ellen Ada Clare | Lytton Cheney | |
877 | RW | DW | Payne, Evelyn Constance May | 6 Fairlight Bungalows | |
878 | RW | OW | Payne, Marjorie Florence | 21 Mill Mead | |
879 | R | O | Payne, Stanley Walter | 6 Fairlight Bungalows | |
880 | NM | O | Payne, William Samuel | 4 Mill Mead | a |
881 | RW | DW | Payne, Alice Elizabeth | The Denes | |
882 | R | O | Payne, Charles William | The Denes | |
883 | R | O | Payne, Sidney Albert | 6 Fairlight Bungalows | |
884 | R | Peckham, Edward George | Newtown | ||
885 | RW | OW | Peckham, Annie Maud | Newtown | |
886 | R | O | Pelham, Henry George Godolphin | Merton Cottage | |
887 | NM | Pelham, Anthony George | Merton Cottage | a | |
888 | RW | DW | Pelham, Dorothy Mary | Merton Cottage | |
889 | RW | DW | Pennells, Joyce Irene | 25 Broyle Side | |
890 | R | O | Pennells, William Alfred | 25 Broyle Side | |
891 | R | O | Perfect, Charles William | Elmhurst | |
892 | RW | DW | Perfect, Edith Mary | Elmhurst | |
893 | R | O | Peters, Arthur | Plashett Farm | J |
894 | RW | DW | Peters, Margaret Frances | Plashett Farm | |
895 | RW | DW | Petitt, Elizabeth Emily | Uckfield Road | |
896 | R | O | Petitt, Thomas Robert | Uckfield Road | J |
897 | R | Pfly, Bertram | Sanderstead | ||
898 | R | Phillips, George Henry | Old Farm House | ||
899 | RW | DW | Phillips, Gertrude Alice | Old Farm House | |
900 | RW | Phillips, Gertrude | Old Farm House | ||
901 | R | O | Phillips, Philip Henry | Old Farm House | |
902 | R | Phillips, Philip Ernest | Old Farm House | ||
903 | R | Phillips, William James | Old Farm House | ||
904 | RW | DW | Phillips, Cicily Zilpah | Lower Barn Farm | |
905 | R | O | Phillips, Philip | Lower Barn Farm | J |
906 | NM | Philpot, Sidney John | Lower Mount Cottages | a | |
907 | RW | DW | Philpot, Lily | 36 Broyle Side | |
908 | R | O | Philpot, Sidney | 36 Broyle Side | |
909 | RW | DW | Pilbeam, Pansy Gertrude | Beacon View, Shortgate | |
910 | R | O | Pilbeam, William Henry | Beacon View, Shortgate | J |
911 | R | O | Piper, Henry | Neaves Lane | |
912 | RW | DW | Piper, Marie Irene | Neaves Lane | |
913 | R | O | Pitts, Douglas Norman Hector | Upper Wellingham | |
914 | RW | DW | Pitts, Elsie Olive | Upper Wellingham | |
915 | RW | DW | Plumer, Kathleen | Robin Gate | |
916 | R | O | Plumer, Martin Luther | Robin Gate | |
917 | RW | OW | Pocock, Susan | Toronto Villa | |
918 | RW | Pocock, Susie | Ashtonville | ||
919 | R | O | Pollard, Henry | Newtown | |
920 | RW | DW | Pollard, Mary Elizabeth | Newtown | |
921 | RW | Pope, Annie Elizabeth | North Road | ||
922 | RW | OW | Pope, Charity | North Road | |
923 | R | Pope, John Charles | Broyle Lane | ||
924 | R | O | Pratt, Edward Richard | 4 Springett Cottages | |
925 | RW | DW | Pratt, Ethel Beatrice | 4 Springett Cottages | |
926 | RW | Preston, Winifred | White Moss | ||
927 | RW | Price, Ellen | Lionville | ||
928 | R | O | Quick, William Alfred | Moor Lane | |
929 | RW | DW | Quick, Alice | Moor Lane | |
930 | RW | OW | Rabone, Eva Lily | 2 Springett Cottages | |
931 | R | Radbourne, Herbert | Middleham | ||
932 | R | O | Ralston, John Alexander Eber | Clayhill House | |
933 | RW | DW | Ralston, Patricia Frances Mary | Clayhill House | |
934 | R | O | Ranger, Alfred | Chamberlains | |
935 | R | Ranger, Alfred Ernest | Chamberlains | ||
936 | RW | DW | Ranger, Selina | Chamberlains | |
937 | RW | OW | Raymond - Hawkins, Mabel | Raystede, The Broyle | |
938 | RW | Reed, Lilian Annie | Ringmer Park | ||
939 | R | O | Reeves, George | 3 Springett Cottages | |
940 | RW | DW | Reeves, Ruth | 3 Springett Cottages | |
941 | R | O | Reeves, Frank | Glyndebourne | |
942 | RW | DW | Reeves, Mollie | Glyndebourne | |
943 | RW | Regan, Eileen | 4 Harrisons Lane | ||
944 | RW | OW | Renals, Susan Emma | Green Lane | |
945 | RW | DW | Reynolds, Audrey | 1 Broyle Lane | |
946 | R | O | Reynolds, Christopher John | 1 Broyle Lane | |
947 | RW | Rhodes, Elizabeth | Glandore | ||
948 | RW | Rhodes, Marjorie | Glandore | ||
949 | R | O | Rice, Hugh Davis Craycroft | Downholm | |
950 | RW | DW | Rice, Kathleen Mary | Downholm | |
951 | RW | DW | Richardson, Agnes | Goat Lane | |
952 | R | O | Richardson, Edward Edmund | Goat Lane | |
953 | RW | Richardson, Edith Mary | Goat Lane | ||
954 | R | O | Richardson, Luther | Goat Lane | |
955 | RW | Richardson, Kitty Emma | Goat Lane | ||
956 | R | O | Richardson, Richard Albert | 12 Broyle Side | |
957 | RW | DW | Richardson, Ruby Grace | 12 Broyle Side | |
958 | RW | OW | Richardson, Elizabeth | 1 Springett Cottages | |
959 | R | Richardson, Frank | Middleham | ||
960 | RW | Richens, Laura Louise | Arches Farm | ||
961 | RW | DW | Rickson, Florence May | Holford Cottages | |
962 | R | O | Rickson, John Alfred | Holford Cottages | |
963 | RW | DW | Roberts, Betsy | North Road | |
964 | R | O | Roberts, James | North Road | |
965 | R | O | Robins, George | 7 Mill Mead | |
966 | RW | DW | Robins, Jessie | 7 Mill Mead | |
967 | R | Robins, Horace Edward | Wellingham Corner | ||
968 | R | Robins, Robert James | Wellingham Corner | ||
969 | RW | DW | Robins, Emily | Wellingham Corner | |
970 | R | O | Robins, George | Wellingham Corner | |
971 | R | Robins, Horace | 13 Broyle Side | ||
972 | R | Robins, Robert Everett | 13 Broyle Side | ||
973 | R | O | Robins, Henry | 1 Fairlight Bungalows | |
974 | RW | DW | Robins, Grace | 1 Fairlight Bungalows | |
975 | R | O | Robinson, Arhur Hugh Rawlins (Rev) | The Vicarage | |
976 | RW | DW | Robinson, Madeline Rachael | The Vicarage | |
977 | RW | DW | Robinson, Ellen Amy Lydia | The Croft | |
978 | R | O | Robinson, Ralph Radford | The Croft | |
979 | R | O | Robson, Bryan Fairfax | Wakelands | |
980 | RW | DW | Robson, Vera | Wakelands | |
981 | R | O | Rogers, Albert Edward | 5 Mill Path | |
982 | RW | DW | Rogers, Janie Sherwood | 5 Mill Path | |
983 | R | O | Rooke, Leonard George | 3C Holding, Uckfield Rd | |
984 | R | O | Rooke, Henry Alfred | 3C Holding, Uckfield Rd | |
985 | RW | DW | Rooke, Rosa | 3C Holding, Uckfield Rd | |
986 | RW | DW | Rooke, Annie Florence | 3C Holding, Uckfield Rd | |
987 | RW | Rooke, Jane | Sunnymead | ||
988 | R | O | Ruck, Albert Edward | 9 Mill Path | |
989 | RW | DW | Ruck, Mabel | 9 Mill Path | |
990 | RW | DW | Russell, Ethel | Church Villas | |
991 | R | O | Russell, Frances | Church Villas | |
992 | R | O | Russell, Jack | 5 Fairlight Bungalows | |
993 | RW | DW | Russell, Nellie Grace | 5 Fairlight Bungalows | |
994 | RW | DW | Russell, Ethel Mary | 25 Mill Mead | |
995 | R | O | Russell, Frank | 25 Mill Mead | |
996 | R | O | Salvage, Charles | St. Helens, Rushey Green | |
997 | R | O | Sanders, Edwin Henry | Sanderstead | J |
998 | RW | DW | Sanders, Mary Lilian | Sanderstead | |
999 | R | O | Saunders, William | Sylvester Cottage | |
1000 | RW | DW | Saunders, Alice | Sylvester Cottage | |
1001 | RW | DW | Saunders, Rose | Park Farm Cottages | |
1002 | R | O | Saunders, Thomas | Park Farm Cottages | |
1003 | R | Savage, John | Wellingham Corner | ||
1004 | RW | OW | Sawyer, Alice | New Road | |
1005 | R | O | Sawyer, James | Rushey Green | |
1006 | RW | DW | Sawyer, Ester Harriett | Rushey Green | |
1007 | RW | Scarterfield, Edith Alice | Elm Court | ||
1008 | OW | Sclater, Dorothy Beatrice | Land (abode, Rayston Farm, Shortgate) | ||
1009 | OW | Sclater, Mary Emily Novice | Land (abode, Rayston Farm, Shortgate) | ||
1010 | R | O | Scrase, Christopher | Broyle Lane | |
1011 | RW | DW | Scrase, Nellie | Broyle Lane | |
1012 | RW | DW | Self, Evelyn Marjorie | School House | |
1013 | R | O | Self, George Dallimore | School House | |
1014 | R | O | Sendall, Charles | Paygate Cottages | |
1015 | RW | DW | Sendall, Margaret | Paygate Cottages | |
1016 | R | O | Seward, William Edward | Lower Barn Farm | |
1017 | RW | DW | Shave, Dorothy Louise | Ringmer Park | |
1018 | R | O | Shave, John | Ringmer Park | |
1019 | R | Shaw, Bernard | The Cot | ||
1020 | RW | OW | Shaw, Eliza | The Cot | |
1021 | R | Sheath, Henry Richard | Rushey Green | ||
1022 | R | Sheppard, Albert | Sanderstead | ||
1023 | RW | DW | Sherlock, Elizabeth Ellen | Goat Lane | |
1024 | R | O | Sherlock, William George | Goat Lane | |
1025 | RW | Sherrall, Louisa | Delves House | ||
1026 | R | O | Shiffner, George Bridger | Downlands | |
1027 | RW | Shiffner, Mary Bridger | Downlands | ||
1028 | NM | Shiffner, John Scarlett | Downlands | a | |
1029 | RW | DW | Shrubb, Harriet Louisa | Pansy Cott | |
1030 | R | O | Shrubb, William | Pansy Cott | |
1031 | R | O | Siggs, Arthur James | Upper Wellingham | |
1032 | R | O | Siggs, Harry | Upper Wellingham | J |
1033 | RW | DW | Siggs, Kate | Upper Wellingham | |
1034 | RW | DW | Siggs, Florence | Upper Wellingham | |
1035 | R | O | Simmonds, Jesse George | 32 Broyle Side | |
1036 | RW | DW | Simmonds, Lucy | 32 Broyle Side | |
1037 | R | Skelton, John | Wish Farm | ||
1038 | RW | DW | Skinner, Ethel Edith | Wellingham Cottages | |
1039 | R | O | Skinner, Patrick | Wellingham Cottages | |
1040 | R | O | Slarks, Thomas William | Wellingham Corner | |
1041 | RW | Slay, Agnes May | Ringmer Park | ||
1042 | RW | DW | Smith, Ellen | 6 Harrisons Lane | |
1043 | R | O | Smith, Stanley Herbert | 6 Harrisons Lane | |
1044 | RW | DW | Smith, Hilda | Norlington | |
1045 | R | O | Smith, Horace Henry | Norlington | |
1046 | R | O | Smith, Jack Percival | Cock Inn | J |
1047 | RW | DW | Smith, Violet May | Cock Inn | |
1048 | RW | DW | Smith, Cora Elizabeth | Goat Lane | |
1049 | R | O | Smith, Jonathan William | Goat Lane | |
1050 | RW | OW | Smith, Kate | Fingerpost | |
1051 | RW | Smith, Lily | Fingerpost | ||
1052 | R | Smith, Sidney John | Fingerpost | ||
1053 | R | Smith, Harold | Fingerpost | ||
1054 | R | O | Smith, George | Southdown Villa | |
1055 | RW | DW | Smith, Mary | Southdown Villa | |
1056 | R | Southerden, Samuel Charles | Ivydene | ||
1057 | RW | OW | Southerden, Mabel Charlotte | Ivydene | |
1058 | R | O | Southerden, Arthur Holland | 8 Mill Path | |
1059 | RW | DW | Southerden, Nellie Rose Eileen | 8 Mill Path | |
1060 | R | Spencer, Alfred | Broyle House | ||
1061 | RW | OW | Springett, Emma Louisa | Red Roof | |
1062 | RW | Springett, Ruby Annie | Red Roof | ||
1063 | RW | OW | Spurling, Ada | Bamfield, Uckfield Rd | |
1064 | R | O | Standen, Henry | Half Mile Drove | |
1065 | RW | Standen, Alice | Half Mile Drove | ||
1066 | R | O | Stevens, Benjamin George | 3 East View Cottages | |
1067 | RW | DW | Stevens, Nellie | 3 East View Cottages | |
1068 | R | O | Stevenson, Henry | Sherbourne | J |
1069 | R | Stevenson, Henry Luther Cyril | Sherbourne | ||
1070 | RW | DW | Stevenson, Lily | Sherbourne | |
1071 | R | Stevenson, Rowland Ashley | Sherbourne | ||
1072 | RW | DW | Stewart, Dorothy | Elm Court Cottages | |
1073 | R | O | Stewart, Samuel | Elm Court Cottages | |
1074 | R | O | St. John Mildmay, Aubrey Neville (Rev) | Little Manor | |
1075 | RW | DW | St. John Mildmay, Louisa Jane | Little Manor | |
1076 | RW | DW | Stone, Mary | Delves House Garage | |
1077 | R | O | Stone, Robin | Delves House Garage | |
1078 | RW | DW | Stranach, Dorothy Eleanor | Romayne | |
1079 | R | O | Stranach, Richard Arthur | Romayne | |
1080 | RW | Stredwick, Fanny Kate | 3 Church Villas | ||
1081 | R | O | Sumner, Albert Frederick | Ashton Green | |
1082 | RW | DW | Sumner, Katherine | Ashton Green | |
1083 | R | Sutton, William Herbert | Broyle House | ||
1084 | RW | DW | Symonds, Emily Caroline | North Road | |
1085 | R | O | Symonds, William | North Road | |
1086 | R | O | Taplin, Harold Arthur | 10 Harrisons Lane | |
1087 | RW | DW | Taplin, Nora Blanche | 10 Harrisons Lane | |
1088 | RW | Taplin, Alice Robina | Beechworth | ||
1089 | RW | OW | Taplin, Winifred Robina | Beechworth | |
1090 | R | Taplin, Hubert John George | Beechworth | ||
1091 | RW | Tapp, Queenie Veral Gladys | Bishops Lane | ||
1092 | R | O | Tasker, Albert Edward | 7 Broyle Side | |
1093 | RW | DW | Tasker, Beatrice May | 7 Broyle Side | |
1094 | RW | OW | Tasker, Caroline | Church Hill | |
1095 | RW | Tasker, Vera Evelyn | Church Hill | ||
1096 | RW | DW | Taskerm, Doris | The Green | |
1097 | R | O | Tasker, Cyril Henry | The Green | |
1098 | RW | OW | Taylor, Clara Alice | Church Hill | |
1099 | RW | Taylor, Ivy Clara | Church Hill | ||
1100 | RW | DW | Taylor, Dorothy | 3 Broyle Side | |
1101 | R | O | Taylor, Frederick Ernest | Clayhill | |
1102 | R | O | Taylor, George | 3 Broyle Side | |
1103 | R | Taylor, John Edward Guy | Church Hill | ||
1104 | RW | Taylor, Frances May | Shepherds Corner | ||
1105 | O | Taylor, Edward | Land (abode, 17 Richmond Terrace, Brighton) | ||
1106 | R | Taylor, Victor | Clayhill | ||
1107 | R | O | Taylor, Hugh Francis | Rushey Green | |
1108 | R | O | Taylor, James | The Bungalow, Rushey Green | |
1109 | RW | DW | Taylor, Kathleen | Rushey Green | |
1110 | RW | DW | Taylor, Molley Ellen | The Bungalow, Rushey Green | |
1111 | R | O | Tebbitt, Guy | Jacobs Piece | |
1112 | RW | DW | Tebbitt, Marie | Jacobs Piece | |
1113 | RW | DW | Tester, Ada Elizabeth | Broyle Brick Yard | |
1114 | R | O | Tester, Henry William | Broyle Brick Yard | |
1115 | R | O | Tester, Henry George | The Broyle | |
1116 | RW | DW | Tester, Lilian May | The Broyle | |
1117 | RW | DW | Tester, Florence | Brickyard Cottages | |
1118 | R | O | Tester, William | Brickyard Cottages | |
1119 | R | O | Thomas, Albert | 19 Mill Mead | |
1120 | RW | DW | Thomas, Grace | 19 Mill Mead | |
1121 | RW | Thomas, Mary | 19 Mill Mead | ||
1122 | RW | DW | Thomas, Elizabeth | Corsica Farm | |
1123 | R | O | Thomas, Herbert (Sen) | Corsica Farm | |
1124 | R | Thomas, Herbert (Jun) | Corsica Farm | ||
1125 | RW | DW | Thomas, Annie Maud | White Moss | |
1126 | R | O | Thomas, William Samuel | White Moss | |
1127 | RW | Thompson, Louisa | Smiths Lane | ||
1128 | NM | Thornton, Frederick Leslie | The Elms | a | |
1129 | RW | DW | Thorpe, Amy | St. Fagans, Paygate | |
1130 | R | O | Thorpe, William James | St. Fagans, Paygate | J |
1131 | RW | Ticehurst, Elizabeth | Ashton Green | ||
1132 | RW | DW | Tiltman, May Charlotte | Shepherds Mead | |
1133 | R | O | Tiltman, Stavers Hessell | Shepherds Mead | |
1134 | R | Tribe, Ronald Cecil | Brewers Arms | ||
1135 | R | O | Tribe, Thomas Daniel | Brewers Arms | J |
1136 | R | Tribe, Reginald Arthur | 21 Mill Mead | ||
1137 | RW | DW | Trigwell, Emily Agnes | Rushey Green | |
1138 | R | O | Trigwell, William John | Rushey Green | |
1139 | R | O | Tritton, Clarence Edward | Shepherds Corner | J |
1140 | RW | DW | Tritton, Edith Wynne | Shepherds Corner | |
1141 | RW | DW | Trott, Dorothy Emma | Little Norlington | |
1142 | R | O | Trott, Horace Wyatt | Little Norlington | |
1143 | RW | Truelove, Harriet | Bishops Lane | ||
1144 | R | O | Tugwell, Frederick James | Holford Cottages | |
1145 | RW | DW | Tugwell, Minnie Lousia | Holford Cottages | |
1146 | R | O | Tuppen, George Percy | New Road | |
1147 | R | Tuppen, Ernest Rowland | New Road | ||
1148 | RW | DW | Tuppen, Ellen | Black House, Broyle | |
1149 | R | O | Tuppen, Percy Rennie | Black House, Broyle | |
1150 | R | O | Tuppen, Rillie Ambrose | Glyndebourne | |
1151 | RW | DW | Tuppen, Ivy Murial | Glyndebourne | |
1152 | R | Turner, Gilbert | Chapel House | ||
1153 | R | O | Turner, Edwin | The Green | J |
1154 | R | O | Turner, Charles Valentine | The Yews | J |
1155 | RW | DW | Turner, Louisa Lavinia | The Yews | |
1156 | RW | DW | Turner, Ellen Justina | The Green | |
1157 | R | Turner, Frederick John | The Green | ||
1158 | R | O | Turner, Thomas | Chapel Field Farm | |
1159 | RW | DW | Turner, France Mary | Chapel Field Farm | |
1160 | RW | DW | Turner, Susanna | Chapel House | |
1161 | R | O | Turner, William | Chapel House | |
1162 | RW | Turner, Dorothy Alice | Chapel House | ||
1163 | RW | Turner, Thomas Alexander | Chapel Field Farm | ||
1164 | RW | DW | Turner, Ethel Minnie | Clayhill Farm | |
1165 | R | O | Turner, Thomas | Clayhill Farm | |
1166 | R | Turner, Francis Walter Edmund | Chapel Field Farm | ||
1167 | RW | DW | Turner, Freda Kate | 1 Harrisons Lane | |
1168 | R | O | Turner, Leslie Harold | 1 Harrisons Lane | |
1169 | R | O | Turner, Frederick | 4 Mill Path | |
1170 | R | Turner, John Albert Alfred | Dural Farm | ||
1171 | RW | DW | Turner, Nellie | 4 Mill Path | |
1172 | R | Turner, William | The Bays | ||
1173 | O | Uridge, Lionel George | Land (abode, 51 St. Anne's Crescent, Lewes) | ||
1174 | RW | Verall, Elizabeth Jane | Brickyard Farm | ||
1175 | R | O | Verall, Arthur | Broyle Lane | |
1176 | RW | DW | Verall, Lily Bertha | Broyle Lane | |
1177 | RW | Verall, Norah | Clayhill Farm | ||
1178 | R | O | Verall, Fred | Clayhill Farm | |
1179 | R | O | Verall, Luke | Clayhill | |
1180 | RW | DW | Verall, Mary | Clayhill | |
1181 | RW | OW | Verall, Sarah Ann | Brickyard Farm | |
1182 | R | O | Vicars, Alfred | The Denes | |
1183 | RW | DW | Vicars, Ethel Violet | The Denes | |
1184 | RW | DW | Walder, Harriett Elizabeth Mary | Clayhill | |
1185 | R | O | Walder, Walter Edward | Clayhill | |
1186 | RW | OW | Waller, Ellen Rebecca | Almshouses | |
1187 | RW | Waller, Ellen Mary | Almshouses | ||
1188 | RW | DW | Waller, Lizzie Annie | Anchor Inn | |
1189 | R | O | Waller, William John | Anchor Inn | |
1190 | RW | DW | Waller, Edith Mary | Norton | |
1191 | R | O | Waller, William James Henry | Norton | J |
1192 | RW | DW | Wallis, Amy Miller | Uckfield Road | |
1193 | R | O | Wallis, Ernest Norton | Uckfield Road | |
1194 | RW | OW | Walls, Mary Ada | Broyle Lane | |
1195 | RW | DW | Washer, Bessie | Church Hill | |
1196 | R | O | Washer, Frank | Church Hill | |
1197 | R | Washer, Thomas William | 2 Broyle Side | ||
1198 | R | O | Weekes, Albert | Village | |
1199 | RW | DW | Weekes, Sarah Jane | Village | |
1200 | RW | OW | Welford, Dorothy Elaine | The Old Cottage | J |
1201 | RW | DW | Wells, Alice Louisa | 7E Holding, Uckfield Rd | |
1202 | R | O | Wells, John | 7E Holding, Uckfield Rd | |
1203 | RW | Westgate, Annie Sophia | Paygate Laundry | ||
1204 | RW | OW | Westgate, Edith Maud | Paygate Laundry | |
1205 | RW | DW | Weston, Dorothy May | Lodge Farm Cottages | |
1206 | R | O | Weston, William Isaac | Lodge Farm Cottages | |
1207 | RW | DW | Weymouth, Margaret Primrose | 1 Mill Mead | |
1208 | R | O | Weymouth, Sydney Graham | 1 Mill Mead | |
1209 | R | O | White, Frederick John | 1 Vine Cottages | |
1210 | RW | DW | White, Lilian | 1 Vine Cottages | |
1211 | RW | White, Harriett | Delves House Garage | ||
1212 | R | O | Whitington, Harry John Nathaniel | 14 Broyle Side | |
1213 | RW | DW | Whitington, Doris Kesiah | 14 Broyle Side | |
1214 | R | O | Wickens, Charles | Mount Farm | |
1215 | RW | DW | Wickens, Minnie Caroline | Mount Farm | |
1216 | R | O | Wickens, Frederick | North Road | |
1217 | RW | DW | Wickens, Doris | North Road | |
1218 | RW | DW | Wickens, Catherine | Harveys Gate | |
1219 | R | O | Wickens, Maurice | Harveys Gate | |
1220 | RW | DW | Wickham, Elsie Mary | Wellingham | |
1221 | R | O | Wickham, George Albert | Wellingham | |
1222 | RW | DW | Wicks, Annie | Newtown | |
1223 | R | O | Wicks, Richard Thomas | Newtown | |
1224 | RW | DW | Wicks, Elsie May | Holm Croft | |
1225 | R | O | Wicks, Percy Richard | Holm Croft | J |
1226 | RW | OW | Wiggins, Edith | 8 Harrisons Lane | |
1227 | R | Wiggins, George Stanley | 8 Harrisons Lane | ||
1228 | R | O | Wiggins, Philip Gordon | 11 Mill Mead | |
1229 | RW | DW | Wiggins, Edith May | 11 Mill Mead | |
1230 | R | Winch, Harold | Upper Lodge Cottages | ||
1231 | RW | DW | Wild, Clara | Rushey Green | |
1232 | R | O | Wild, Frank | Rushey Green | |
1233 | R | O | Willard, Ernest | Lower Barn Farm | J |
1234 | RW | DW | Willard, Bessie Emily | Lower Barn Farm | |
1235 | R | O | Williams, Frederick Hedges | Woodfield Cottages | |
1236 | RW | DW | Williams, Lily Maria | Woodfield Cottages | |
1237 | RW | DW | Williams, Dorothy May | Newtown | |
1238 | R | O | Williams, Idris Trevor | Newtown | |
1239 | RW | DW | Williamson, Edith | Ham Lane Cottages | |
1240 | R | O | Williamson, Joseph | Ham Lane Cottages | |
1241 | R | O | Wilmhurst, William John | Post Office | |
1242 | RW | DW | Wilmhurst, Mabel Frances | Post Office | |
1243 | RW | Wilson, Elizabeth Lavinia | Elm Court | ||
1244 | R | Wilson, John George | Elm Court | ||
1245 | RW | DW | Windley, May Elizabeth | The Elms Cottage | |
1246 | R | O | Windley, William Walter | The Elms Cottage | |
1247 | RW | DW | Wood, Dorothy | Wellingham | |
1248 | R | O | Wood, William | Wellingham | |
1249 | R | O | Wood, David Ernest | Church Hill | |
1250 | RW | DW | Wood, Emily Elizabeth | Church Hill | |
1251 | R | O | Wood, Albert Edward | Ham Lane Cottages | |
1252 | RW | DW | Wood, Ester | Ham Lane Cottages | |
1253 | RW | Wood, Eliza Harriett | Ham Lane Cottages | ||
1254 | RW | Wood, Evelyn Florence | Norman Villa | ||
1255 | R | O | Wren, Percy Alexander | 7 Fairlight Bungalows | |
1256 | RW | DW | Wren, Edith Violet | 7 Fairlight Bungalows | |
1257 | R | O | Wren, Alexander | Sunnyside | |
1258 | R | Yallop, Edward | Three Acres, Swingate | ||
1259 | RW | Yallop, Sarah | Three Acres, Swingate | ||
1260 | R | O | Zeal, Frank Edmund | Broyle House | |
1261 | RW | DW | Zeal, Marion Maggie | Broyle House | |
1262 | R | O | Zeal, Spencer | 3 Mill Mead | |
1263 | RW | DW | Zeal, Phyllis | 3 Mill Mead |
- Details
- Parent Category: Ringmer Past
John Motlay or Motley
Vicar of Ringmer 1575-1604)
John Motlay was vicar of Ringmer for nearly 30 years, but relatively little is known about him. His name appears as both Motlay and Motley, but he himself seems to have preferred the Motlay version.
John Motlay was probably born about 1544, as he matriculated as a pensioner at Trinity College, Cambridge, at Easter 1562, graduated in 1566 and was awarded his MA in 1569. He was made a Fellow of Trinity in 1566, but was not ordained for almost another decade. He was ordained deacon in 1574 and priest in 1575, with both ordinations at Chichester. He was presented to the vicarage of Ringmer by Queen Elizabeth on 17 Nov 1575 while the archbishopric of Canterbury was vacant, and he compounded for the first fruits on the following day. A year and a half later he was presented to the vicarage of West Firle by John Comber, and he then held both posts until his death in 1604.
Unfortunately the Ringmer parish registers for the period the parish was in his care do not survive – they were recorded in the Victorian era but disappeared before the contents of the parish chest were handed to the record office. Had they survived it is likely we would have had much more information about his family and his activities.
What little evidence there is suggests that he lived at Ringmer. He certainly had a curate at West Firle in the 1680s, and the seven surviving ESRO wills that he witnessed were all made by Ringmer residents. In 1592 he was John Motley of Ringmore, clerk, when standing surety for a marriage licence. In 1598 Mr John Motley was described as vicar of Ringmer (he was also vicar of West Firle) when appointed as one of the overseers of the will of Magus Fowle of Mayfield, but Magnus Fowle’s estate included Ringmer landholdings. Magnus Fowle directed that he was to receive twenty shillings for his pains. Vicar of Firle may not have been an especially attractive office at this date as the Gage family who were the dominant landowners in that parish were Roman Catholics. The Gages owned land in Ringmer too, most importantly the Plashett Park, but as that had formerly been a private hunting park belonging to the Archbishop of Canterbury there was no tithe payable, so no tricky negotiations.
The will of John Motlay of Ringmer, clerk, was written on 31 May 1604 and proved on 20 October 1604, so he must have died in the intervening period. Replacement clergymen to serve Firle and Ringmer were appointed in September and October of that year.
His family appear to have continued to live in Ringmer after his death. A Mary Motly married at Ringmer in October 1605 – the second marriage entry in the earliest surviving Ringmer register. In January 1606 the marriage licence for Richard Motlay of Cliffe, a draper, had a Ringmer yeoman farmer as the surety. An Elizabeth Motley was buried at Ringmer in November 1606. Then in October 1612 “The Widdowe of Mr Motley, vicar of Ringmer” was buried here in October 1612. We can exclude the possibility that she lived elsewhere and was simply brought back to Ringmer to be buried with her husband, as the will of Eleanor Motley of Ringmer, widow, was written in August 1612, witnessed by two Ringmer men and proved in December 1612. Neither John nor Eleanor Motlay’s wills have been read, and they are likely to provide additional information about their family.
Principal sources used:
Clergy of the Church of England online database: http://db.theclergydatabase.org.uk/
John Venn, ‘Alumni Cantabrigiensis’ [online version]
Walter C. Renshaw, Sussex Archaeological Collections, 55, 220-277.
E.H.W. Dunkin, ‘Ecclesiastical History of the Deanery of South Malling’, Sussex Archaeological Collections, vol.26, pp.9-96
Ringmer parish registers
Wills in the ESRO PBT 2/2/1 & 2/2/2 series [The Keep online catalogue]
- Details
- Parent Category: Ringmer Past
Rev. Arthur Hugh Rawlins ROBINSON, MA, BMus.
1879- 1945
Vicar of Ringmer 1936 – 1939
Rev Arthur Robinson arrived in Ringmer in July 1936 and stayed until July 1939, but for the last few months of that time he was in ill health and other clergy had to help out by taking some services. After leaving Ringmer he and his wife retired to Cambridge where he died on Christmas Day 1945. His was only a short incumbency and at the end of his working life, but I think we can still detect his influence today!
Born in 1879, his father was the Rector of Whitechapel then later Vicar in Aston, Warwickshire. Arthur was clearly talented as not only did he win a Foundation Scholarship to Clare College, Cambridge, but he also became the ‘Stewart of Rannoch Scholar’ for Sacred Music. In 1900 he gained his BA in Classics and the following year a bachelor of Music degree. His musical ability proved to be of significance in his future career in the church.
Ordained in 1909 in Canterbury he subsequently served in a variety of places including: Westgate on Sea, St Martin in the Fields in London, and in Maidstone. During the First World War he was a temporary chaplain to the Royal Navy.
In 1926, whilst Rector of Mersham, in Surrey he married Madeline Rachel Walpole who had also been a student in Cambridge and had subsequently worked as a Librarian. The newly married couple went out to South Africa where Arthur becamethe Rector of Doornfontein in the Transvaal. However after two years his health was suffering and they were obliged to return to UK. They had no children.
On return to the UK he first became Rector of a parish in Lancashire, but then returned to Kent as Vicar of St Margaret’s-at-Cliffe, and after five years there, in 1936, he came to be Vicar of Ringmer bringing an interesting and varied background.
Rev. Arthur Robinson at the planting of the Holm Oak with John Christie and his children, Rosamond and George. | |
There are two ways in which we can still detect his influence today. In 1938 there was a ceremony on the Village Green, just outside Springett Cottages, to plant the Holm Oak. Sussex Express reported that the Rev Robinson led the prayers. Just look at the size of the tree now, those prayers were effective! |
There are two ways in which we can still detect his influence today. In 1938 there was a ceremony on the Village Green, just outside Springett Cottages, to plant the Holm Oak. Sussex Express reported that the Rev Robinson led the prayers. Just look at the size of the tree now, those prayers were effective!
The other way that makes Rev Robinson special was his particular interest in church music. When he left the parish in Mersham the local paper reported that the church “possessed one of the finest choirs in Surrey. The most notable innovations during his inspiring leadership were his organ recitals and congregational practices after Sunday services”.
He soon began to influence the music here in Ringmer. He introduced congregational practices, described as ‘singing lessons’ after the Sunday evening service. These included talking to them from the pulpit on various aspects of church music and then leading them in practice.
The Sussex Express wrote that “The result was that the congregation took an increased interest in the hymns” and continued “ he has done much to raise the standard of music in the village”.
Of course Mr Robinson came to Ringmer at a key time for the development of music here. Two years previously The Opera House at Glyndebourne had opened and many Ringmer residents were already involved in one way or another, and it also brought new people to live in the area. One of these was George Austin, a member of the musical staff at Glyndebourne . He became organist and choir master here at St Mary’s two years before the Rev Robinson arrived.
The Rev Robinson and George Austin must have made a formidable team musically and after a year of working together they decided to reorganise the church choir and allow women to join. They decided to do this because of the lack of boys. Mr Austin explained “The trouble is that Ringmer is such a large parish – its boundaries cover over 25 miles – that the majority of the boys live too far from the church to attend choir regularly. It was a popular idea and the women came forward readily to help lead the singing. We now have a large choir for a village, and unlike many churches, the members are all robed, which averts clashes of colour among the women’s dresses. Our principal endeavour is to do simple, good church music well.”
It is not surprising that women came forward as George Austin was already conducting the Ringmer WI choir. In 1938 The Bishop of Chichester visited St Mary’s and afterwards he paid tribute to the “beauty and reverence of the musical part of the service”. He was so impressed that he suggested to the BBC that they might broadcast a service from Ringmer. As a result, on Sunday 4th June 1939 at 9pm a shortened evensong was broadcast from Ringmer church. The newspaper report gives full details of the bell ringing, the organ voluntaries and the order of service and it also lists all 30 members of the choir, which included amongst the boy sopranos Denis Wicks who subsequently became well known opera singer.
That choir also included Mr B. Courage and Miss E. Richardson who having met in the choir subsequently got married and their daughter Ruth Peters still sings in the choir today! The church choir still wears robes but now a different colour. So it seems that we can still detect the influence of Rev Arthur Robinson today. The tree is still growing and the choir are still singing!
Anne Stamper